Monday, 3 August 2020



The only possessions I have are my experiences and the resolutions of such in my realisations which I shall carry as the burden of my existence even unto freedom when the essence of it all shall subsist as final residuum. Even this receptacle, this earthly clay of flesh and form that holds the terrestrial order of my existence, I do not own, for they have all arisen from Nature and shall perish unto the same.

The elements hold me but I am not the elements. I remain separate from these earthly entities that surround me, ever conscious that I shall have to leave them by way of final departure from this world. The elements entice but we must be watchful lest we are caught in their snares even as a lion is trapped in a mighty mesh that holds. No wonder sages preach renunciation of possession for they have plumbed the depths of it all and unravelled the secrets of the Self that shines independent of the least association of matter or mind.

The Spirit am I, and Spirit have been, and Spirit shall remain till the 'last syllable of recorded time'. Parallels never meet, though they appear to have met in the distance. Go near and the meeting point recedes the same length. So is it impossible to possess anything but myself and so shall I remain self-possessed and have nothing to gain from this world nor nothing to lose. Independent, free, separate, in solitary existence even unto the lion that roams the forest like a monarch mighty must I abide in this desolate world of perishing dreams, an unsheathed sword cutting through the meshes of Maya.

Written by Sugata Bose [ Sugata Bose ]

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