The Day of Judgement is an erroneous assumption of the ancient Semites who did not understand the mysteries of life and the inherent freedom of the Self. There is no judgement to come, no eternal heaven or hell to aspire to or fear of. There is but the constancy of existence, deathless, divine, eternally free. Unto such a sublimity of eternal life all are heir to every moment that requires no Saviour to save, no Messiah to lift unto, no Prophet to follow, no God with the rod waiting to punish to be devoted to. Unto your own Self be devoted and unto the selves of all render service for all are the reflections of your very Self. There is but one that exists in a world of shadowy dreams, and that one is your own essence. Follow thy Self, my friends, and live in freedom, free of all vestige of fear that makes you tremble before a terrible God of your own conception. Live in the light within and spread the light to all so that all may hear of 'the good news' that they eternally free, children of immortal bliss as the ancient sage gave utterance to on the banks of the Saraswati and as the modern sage gave the tidings of just the other day in that metropolis of Chicago.
Written by Sugata Bose
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