Sunday 2 August 2020



Sugata Bose Amit Saha Why? That will be restricting the scope of the Mission. After all Sri Ramakrishna had himself practised Christianity for a few days and attested to the divinity of Christ, going to the extent that he (Ramakrishna), Christ and Chaitanya are one. The tradition has been set and will not now change, I think. Also, remember the Christmas Eve has a special significance in the life of the early Mission when the apostles of Ramakrishna had assembled at Antpore and informally ordained themselves into the monastic order without even the prior faintest idea that it was the blessed evening heralding the birth of the Messiah in a few hours from then. Thus, the Ramakrishna Order and the Christian Order seem to have been at inception inextricably linked in symbolic terms, and perhaps more, which the Mission wishes to venerate through the observance of the Christmas Eve. In real terms it also allows the Mission to better connect to the vast Christian world which it wishes to do in their specific spiritual-cultural terms through the celebration of Christmas. The Mission's idea of the Christ is quite different from the classical Catholic idea preached in the four Gospels and it is this idea upheld by the Mission which will one day widen the scope of Christian theology and bring it in line more with the Vedic tradition of India whose best exemplar was our Master, Ramakrishna, who in Rolland's words was 'the fruit of a new autumn, the younger brother of Christ'. We need to understand these issues and broaden our sympathies, deepen our sentiments and not become dogmatic Hindus which is quite uncharacteristic of our great spiritual tradition.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha That is the difference between the Sanatan Dharma with its universalism and the rigid, exclusive Semitic religions with their doctrinaire intolerance. Hence, you must understand this essential difference and contemplate the grandeur of the Ramakrishna tradition which embraces all and rejects none, not merely in paper terms alone but in practice as well. This grand catholicity of the Ramakrishna Order is attracting more and more people across the world to its liberal ideas of spirituality and setting forth subliminal currents of spiritual unification of the whole world whose first sparks are now being seen by the perceptive eye but whose radiance will one day blaze forth across the continents if Swamiji's prophecy is to be believed. You are at liberty to disregard Swamiji's prophetic vision, though.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Muhammad is also venerated in the Mission but, following the practice of Islam which does not engage in the worship of the Prophet and neither does believe in his superhuman divinity which it ascribes to the only one and true Allah, the Mission does not go to the length of ritualistic worship of the Prophet. This is as simple as that. As regards Vardhaman Mahavir and the rest, they are all venerated by the Mission and held as sublime manifestations of the Great Spirit that periodically sends its emissaries to guide erring humanity unto Truth.
Dear Maj Gen Bakshiji,
This is your good friend, Sugata Bose, addressing you. In pursuance of our telephonic discussion I am hereby reminding you about my desire to see you make a film of sorts on the mystery surrounding the disappearance of Netaji post 17 August, 1945. I well know that you are keen on such a move and I, therefore, will hereon be sending you certain pertinent questions which you may address in your aforesaid video made with the assistance of your most worthy son. A short film on it which could be nationally telecast would also be a feasible option, I reckon, and you could contemplate doing it with technical help from your son. Please wait for the questions in future emails and whatsapp messages.
Take care of your health, generally and especially now in these terrible times of the corona affliction. We need you to be in fine fettle and in the best of spirits for a long time to come for the service of our dear motherland whose most valorous and worthy son you are. My commendations to you for the work that you are doing, good wishes to all of your family and a request to comply with the prayer made by me on behalf of the nation to serve Netaji the way here suggested.
Thanking you,
I remain ever at the service of the motherland,
Sugata Bose.
Sugata Bose Swami Ekarthananda Puri Please write this comment of yours as a post, Maharaj, and add on relevant material to it if you deem it necessary. It will be highly enlightening and will help to dispel delusion as well.
Sugata Bose John Embrey No, no, not at all. I always appreciate your perceptive and educative comments. But this one has simply blown me off. What an original and unique way of thinking where you have made the Son of God subject to His Father's natural law of relativity and, given the speed limit of light and the enormity of space, literally bound Him to our galaxy as yet ! No wonder He is still shepherding His flock on earth for He has failed to escape our galactic limits as yet that would allow Him the requisite distance from earth-bound humanity to forget it. And did He not out of His own folly (kidding) say that He was the light? So, how on earth then can He now escape the speed limit of His own self and ascend to heaven defying its property? But He is the Son of God and ought to know super-science. So, did He actually rise through physical space in the view of hundreds of assembled credulous countrymen and then, on the sly (kidding), slip through a worm hole of sorts to make a quick entry into His Father's abode?
It is delightful talking to you, and keep delighting us with your illumined inputs that may not only dispel misconceptions in many about the issues under discussion, including mine, but will also help bring sanity to the discourse that these days has taken to flights of fancy amidst online exhibition of superior understanding by men who know but mighty little and, yet, proceed to speak in a patronising manner that does our country no good. Thank you for being such a wonderful person and an ardent reader into the heart of things.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Not for his physical conception, if the Gospels are to be believed, but for his earthly protection and nurturing till he came of age.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Would you say the same thing about Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi, too? They were also immaculately conceived by their earthly mothers. Do you know that? Read the life stories of Thakur and Ma first before you comment on the immaculate conception of Mother Mary. Even it is said the Buddha and Shankaracharya were conceived immaculately. So was the birth of Sri Ramachandra and his brothers. What is your position on each of these cases of divine conception? When Swamiji was questioned in America by his disciples about the immaculate conceptions that gave birth to Ramakrishna and Christ he could only say that nothing is impossible with the Lord. Swamiji did not deny the possibility -- never did so in his life -- of such an immaculate advent of these divine incarnations despite his pronounced predilections towards rational explanations of things. My dear fellow, it is said that even Swamiji was born that way. Did not Shakespeare say, 'There are more things in heaven and earth than are dreamt in your philosophy, Horatio.' ?
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Read the full text above and comment then. Your present observation is personal and the naturalistic one which rationalists will subscribe to. But that is not what the Ramakrishna Mission subscribes to. To believe in what you have said is to disbelieve in the testimonies of the parents of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi, and the testimonies of the divine duo, too. Your assertion seems arbitrary and based on preconceptions without adequate reading of the biographies of these aforementioned spiritual personages. Well, one may harbour one's opinion one way or the other but that does not detract from the fact that one does not merit to comment on episodes about which one has no notion beyond one's cognitive common sense.
Sugata Bose Swami Ekarthananda Puri Please respond to Amit Saha's comments about the impossibility of the immaculate conception of the Avatars, Maharaj. You may read through my comments in this relation as well and then respond to him, if you so please.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha The question does not arise. Your fears about my running for refuge elsewhere are unfounded. But your shirking from answering my queries is making me apprehensive that, perhaps, you will call it quits before the battle of wits is over. At any rate you are merely content to quipping in with your assertions but do not think it necessary to contradict my observations on substantive basis, that is, beyond mere common sense routine remarks about which we all are mercifully aware and do not need your assistance to come by any such conclusions. Hence, gear up, chum. The reason why I have thrown the board open to Swami Ekarthananda Puri is to broaden discussion and bring in the the perspective of the Ramakrishna Order regarding this. So, such an approach made to a monastic need not be construed as running for reinforcement in terms of arsenal to be arrayed against you. Myself am competent to take you on alone. But then you have traditionally been off the mark in your comments with a specific agenda of yours marking your one-sided observations right from those early disputations regarding the Vedas and the Vedanta, the latter of which I still hold as being the climactic portion of the Vedas and therefore a portion of the Vedas as such, my knowledge in this regard having been gleaned from 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' which you squarely contradicted without having the capacity to contradict Swamiji's remarks in this regard, probably on account of your innocence of the same. Hence, to expect you to engage in a point to point disputation or discussion with me will be puerile. The rest you know.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi had immaculate births. Hence, the Ramakrishna Mission is pertinent here. Of course I am a representative of the Ramakrishna Mission, being an initiated disciple of it. At least that is my understanding of what Swamiji had meant the Ramakrishna Mission to be at its inception on 1 May, 1897 as distinct from the Ramakrishna Math whose representatives the monastics of the Order alone are.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha I am ashamed to even imagine that you can cast such a character aspersion on such a holy personage as the Mother Mary by stating that she perchance had had an extramarital or premarital contact with someone who had thus fathered Jesus. It is downright reprehensible to me and to my culture to even contemplate such things for which you have no evidence to prove your proposition beyond what I have already stated, 'common sense routine remark'. My head hangs in shame that someone can even imagine this, much less articulate. I worship Mother Mary like I worship Mother Sarada. May she bless you with purity of thought and speech !
Sugata Bose Read this one, Amit Saha. This one is in response to your disgraceful comment made in my earlier post where you have shamed Mother Mary in no uncertain terms through your assertion that she had strayed and conceived out of premarital physical contact with a man the holy personage of her son, Jesus.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha You are a disgrace unto your Guru Atmasthanandaji and to the Ramakrishna Mission that has taught you but failed to instil basic human virtues in you. You have a long way to go before you are in the same plane as me to continue conversation. You have not only insulted Mother Mary but in effect insulted Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi as well through your disgusting assertions that totally lack in fundamental civility. You are too innocent of the English language to have understood each and every point that I had raised or alluded to in my earlier series of comments. I feel ashamed literally to believe that you are an initiate of the Ramakrishna Misison who can yet stoop to such abysmal depths. As to your commiserations for me, keep them unto a rainy day of yours when you may need them for yourself. One more thing. You had asked me if I was representing the Ramakrishna Mission to which merely I had said that as initiated devotee of the Mission, I surely was doing so. Hence, constant straying from the line of logic is your pronounced persuasion and not mine. I do not have much of a regard for people who are fanatical and mean, be they of any religious or political persuasion. Hence, this short post has been held up before all to expose these men of malicious motivations who have nothing better to do in life than cause injury to others' faith in the name of being the votaries of a supposed superior faith of theirs. If the proponents of aggressive Hinduism today were to practise an ounce of their dharma's essential principles and do their regular spiritual practices, the Sanatan Dharma would even in their hands have been a force for good and not one for evil as is the case these days.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi were also born immaculately. This is the straight answer for a person who refuses to investigate and find out more in the biographies of the divine duo.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Joseph was the non-biological father, a caretaker, nurturing father of sorts. You need to be educated in the Gospel.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha To show you that even they were immaculately conceived in their mothers' wombs. If Thatkur and Ma could be so conceived, then why could Jesus not have been so?
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Jesus was immaculately conceived. So, the question of biological father does not arise. He did not have a biological father, so the Gospels say.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha A divine incarnation means one who is God incarnate, that is, God in human form. Hence, he may be exempt from natural law as such. This is the assertion of the Gospel. This is not my personal view. I am too ignorant to have any opinion this way or the other but am only stating what the assertion is of the writers of the scriptures right to Swami Saradananada and Swami Gambhirananda who have chronicled similar accounts of immaculate conception in the cases of the births of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi as has been recounted in the New Testament of the Holy Bible.
Sugata Bose Amit Saha Biological parents mean they who enter into sexual reproduction which was not the case with the births of Sri Ramakrishna and Sri Sarada Devi. You need to read up more before you enter into dialogue thus.
Sugata Bose Omaditya Swarnendu Biswas, you are young. Come on, join me in this movement to resist not only external attacks upon this universal spiritual culture but also internal corrosion arising out of vaunted exhibition of abundant ignorance. As for the comparative study of the Bible and the Geeta, I would recommend you to study Swami Ranganathananda's three volume series on the Geeta where you will get many such references and much more from other philosophical and scientific texts. I do not consider myself academically or spiritually equipped to comment on such verses beyond offering unripe opinion of sorts.
Sugata Bose Omaditya Swarnendu Biswas Wait for the pandemic to get over fair and square. Till then read 'The Complete Works of Swami Vivekananda' and 'The Gospel of Sri Ramakrishna' both of which are very much available online for ease of reading, and the print is in a soothing ash colour that does not hurt the eye at all.
Sugata Bose Durga Prasad, come on board and make a fresh 'Vivekananda assault' on the citadels of ignorance. Our constant and continuous efforts will make a difference to the inharmonious relations that abound today in the world and help bring forth better human understanding among the diverse races of the world with their divergent tendencies and cultures thereof.
Sugata Bose Rajendra Kundu Have you read the essay? If so, well and good. If not, I will be obliged if you make some time for it and go thoroughly through the piece and cogitate on its content, that is, provided you deem the piece worthy of your expenditure of time and effort. In case you do read it, do give your feedback and I will respond in a like manner.
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary But even that would require capital patronage. Remember, Buddhism also spread through knowledge and light but required royal patronage for support and quick dissemination of the message.
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary Yes, technology can provide the means, the internet to begin with.
Sugata Bose Risshe R Keswwani Yes, it must be eventually through the fusion of innovative technology, capital of multinational industry and governmental patronage. The sooner the Indian Government sees wisdom in offering such patronage to the Ramakrishna Movement, the better for India and the world, for faster will the message disseminate to the remotest corners of the earth. The Government must seriously brood on this issue and take effective steps to spread the message of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda throughout the world. It is necessary for India's survival and it is far more more essential for the survival of the world. Humanity can only harmonise in adherence to the teachings of the divine duo from Dakshineshwar.
Sugata Bose Subhrajyoti Bhowmick Novel idea. An RKM party taking to parliamentary politics. Somewhat like the Christian Democratic Party of Germany. But then that party would have to abjure its name for under no circumstance would RKM of Belur Math allow its name to be used for political purpose of any kind as per its constitutional directive issued by its founder which forbids it to have any connection whatsoever with politics.
Sugata Bose John Embrey Beautiful blending.
Sugata Bose Aditya Srivastava You mean RKM will not spread. Is that what you mean? Such cryptic comments as yours are hard to decipher and their import difficult to apprehend.
Sugata Bose Aditya Srivastava Add a few more exclamation marks. The population is too numerous to be thus deprived of your exclamation. Do consider for so many of the deprived ones.
Sugata Bose Shantanand Saraswati 'We are illusive passing images.' How well you have put it ! Beautiful idea beautifully put in pure poetic terms.
Sugata Bose Aditya Srivastava Why, brother? Why not this spiritual brother of Vivekananda?
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary Rebirth is in the delusive dream, in ignorance of the Self and not in the realised state when all delusions of birth, life, death and rebirth cease. The whole of phenomena, like a vast hallucination, ceases, to reveal the Truth transcendent that lies beyond, the state of absolute consciousness, absolute existence and absolute bliss where there is no trace of the dual and, hence, no trace of the trans-migratory sequence of life and re-life, too.
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary Change is apparent, being perceived in ignorance of the non-dual Self. Once the Self [Atman] is realised, this perception of unceasing change disappears for good and all such questions of themselves drop off as doubts are dispelled and the knots of the heart cut asunder.
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary We are not the One [Advaita]. We are the many images of the same substance that ever is the One and abides in Self-glory. We are the reflections, the refraction and the dispersion of the Self through the delusive prism of space, time and causality which lend us the false sense of self that ever changes, perpetually perishes and reforms till in final illumination it dissolves forever to reveal the Real Self.
Sugata Bose Subhadeep Banerjee Very bad argument, insensitive to a despicable degree. Tell this to the people of Hiroshima and Nagasaki while standing on the sacred soil of ground zero.
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary You have improved upon Swami Vivekananda's definition of Sri Ramakrishna. When asked to speak about his Guru in America, Swamiji had said,''LOVE. ''
Sugata Bose Rajendra Kundu Why are you obsessed with the communists? They are materialists and atheists. As such they will not be able to comprehend the depth of the divine incarnation. Let us understand the communists in the light of their philosophy which are dialectical materialism and historical materialism, and let us dive deep into the ocean of love that Sri Ramakrishna is to emerge immortal. Why should you give so much of your attention to running down others? Rather enhance your own spirituality by living in Sri Ramakrishna who you for sure adore.
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary And infinitely more besides, to quote from Sri Ramakrishna's own depiction of God.
Sugata Bose Sameer Banik That was not the question unless, of course, you mean to imply that a divine incarnation must necessarily be a fully realised soul, that is, a Brahmajnani.
Sugata Bose Vedabrata Basu All enquiries help for they stimulate thinking and knowledge is the result of such. Human progress has been effected through such discussions. Have you not heard of the questions raised in the Upanishads or by scholars in the Greek tradition? Moreover, every bit of enquiry is not to be judged in utilitarian terms. Knowledge for the sake of knowledge has its own prime position in the order of civilisation. Utility is but the offshoot of knowledge and serves its purpose in its welfare aspect. But enquiry, free and fair, belongs to the inquisitive mind, curious to advance its own domain in unfolding data, fresh inference and settled conviction thereof till fresher discoveries, the fruit of further enquiry, unsettles it. Thus has science progressed and thus has in ancient India spirituality progressed too towards its final fulfilment in the realisation of the Absolute Brahman which is the purport of the post.
Sugata Bose John Embrey Just a query from you since I respect your knowledge. Was Christ ever born, that is, was he a historical personality? This latter query of mine is from the desire to know more from you in this regard from your own study in this matter.
Sugata Bose Siddhartha Krishna Lovely presentation. Lots to learn from. Thank you so much.
Sugata Bose Annette Durga Human-Adamson The question is, was Christ an enlightened soul in the Indian sense of perfection in the attainment of Brahman?
Sugata Bose Swami Ekarthananda Puri Was Christ an ever-free soul? His teachings in the Bible, replete with superstitions of the region and the age, do not indicate him to be so, although I do understand that many of the original Gospels were suppressed, much of early Christian teachings deliberately destroyed by setting to fire the ancient Library of Alexandria, and the Messiah's message corrupted by the compounded action of imperial Rome and the Catholic Church in a common coarse compromise that cared not for the sanctity of the Saviour's message. However, whatever is chronicled in the four Gospels of Luke, John, Mark and Matthew, do not reveal Christ as a realised soul of the order of a Brahmajnani, much less an ever-free soul as you assert, probably from Sri Ramakrishna's attestation of his [Christ's] divine status from his [Ramakrishna's] own experience of the Prophet of Galilee, and Swami Vivekananda's statements about the Nazarene of supreme self-abnegation.
It has thus far been the thrust of the Hindus to interpret the message of Christ in the light of the Vedanta instead of taking it as it is. Perhaps, Christ was not a Self-realised soul like the Rishis of ancient India and, thus, preached a creed very much in tune with and a lot at variance with the traditional teachings of the then Galilean times. To imagine that he must have been a Self-realised soul and, yet, indulged in arrant superstition of the times is, to my mind, a bit far-fetched in conception and a trifle too much of a digression from the articulation of historical truth or otherwise. Why would he claim himself to be the only begotten Son of God come to deliver humanity from the Original Sin of Adam and Eve if he was a Brahmajnani? Has a Brahmajnani of India ever subscribed to such archaic superstition and lived to preach such arrant nonsense in his life of the Spirit? Perhaps, we are trying to impose upon Christ a realisation which may not have been his, solely on account of his vast following in the world which, incidentally, was not brought about by the greatness of his message but by the sword, as Swami Vivekananda has in this case testified, too.
Sugata Bose Swami Ekarthananda Puri Irrefutable, perhaps, from the perspective of the Ramakrishna Order and not that of the Catholic Church -- who will have their own idea of Christ, not as Ramakrishna-Vivekananda envisage but as they traditionally view him as the only begotten Son of God -- or the rationalists of repute who reject all such arbitrary assertions of faith, even if they come in the guise of realisations of seminal spiritual personalities such as Ramakrishna and Vivekananda. Such quotation of absolute authority renders rational discussion sterile and must be stopped in consequence.
Sugata Bose Diganta, what is the significance of the specific sign that you have given to attest your presence in this post? This sign is new to me and I would like you to educate me about its meaning.
Sugata Bose Rajarshi Chakraborty Your honesty is rather suspect then. At any rate, have you read the 'ghost written books'?
Sugata Bose Rajarshi Chakraborty You are quite a mystery monger, I must say, seeking conspiracy theories where simple sanity suffices.
Sugata Bose Rajendra Kundu Thus much and no more?
Sugata Bose Rajendra Kundu So, must one hazard judgement on one who one cared not ever to study even?
Sugata Bose Rajendra Kundu Have you read about Nehru's contributions in the freedom struggle, that is, to rephrase it for your liking since you evidently have a pronounced distaste for him, about the historical episodes of the freedom struggle involving him? I am amazed to hear that the classics written by Nehru have been dubbed as novels by you. Quite a novel idea, I should say.
Sugata Bose Rajendra Kundu Fair enough. That is what is called a semblance of a rational position in common conversation as opposed to destructive discourse filled with abusive epithets levelled at seminal personalities. But without studying the history of the freedom struggle in detail it is highly hazardous to form absolute opinions about the premier personalities who shaped its direction and destiny.
Sugata Bose Amit Sarkar There is a difference between opposition and uncivilised desecration of a personality.
Sugata Bose Amit Sarkar অবশ্যই বিরোধীতা থাকতে পারে কিন্ত তা নেতাজী জনোচিত হওয়া চাই, রুচিবিগর্হিত অশ্রাব্য শব্দ ও ভাব প্রয়োগের মাধ্যমে নয় । নিজ শিক্ষা ও সংস্কৃতির প্রতি দৃষ্টি রেখে মার্জিত ভাষাপ্রয়োগ অধিক ফলদায়ী বলে বোধ করি ।
Sugata Bose Mohan Halder তার জন্য অধ্যয়ন প্রয়োজন, অশ্রাব্য ভাষাপ্রয়োগ নয় ।
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary Swami Vivekananda's 'Jnana Yoga' lectures delivered in London and the four lectures on 'Practical Vedanta'. Finally, read 'Is Vedanta the Future Religion?'
Sugata Bose Partha Pratim Adhikary I am too ignorant to guide you any further than what I have thus far suggested.

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