1. It is sad to see people, preeminently patriotic, lose their vigour once they get governmental recognition for their work. The folly of office!
2. Is Vivekananda dead? No, he is alive in the consciousness of thinking humanity.
3. There can be no compromise on the essential principles of life. To do so would be suicidal.
4. The Dissentient Report of Suresh Chandra Bose is crucial to solving the mystery and myth surrounding Netaji.
5. নেতাজী ও নেহরুর কি যথার্থই সখ্যতা ছিল শেষ পর্যন্ত ?
6. জড়ত্ব বড়ই যন্ত্রণা | চাই চৈতন্যের আলোকে মুক্তি |
27. I have posted the link for the entire set of letters exchanged between Dilip Kumar Roy and Sri Aurobindo regarding Subhas Chandra Bose. Kindly go through the entire text of it for a comprehensive understanding of the issue.
37. Set aside half hour every day for the study of Indian history. Slowly you can thus build up a fund of historical knowledge.
38. Read 'Chakrabyuhey Netaji' by Keshab Bhattacherjee to get a comprehensive grasp of the Netaji mystery.
39. কেশব ভট্টাচার্য (Keshab Bhattacherjee) রচিত 'চক্রব্যুহে নেতাজি' পড়ুন | নেতাজী বিষয়ক সর্বতথ্যসম্বলিত প্রামাণ্য পুস্তক এটি |
40. This is a case that requires legal expertise in the presentation of facts and not a drawing room discourse with plenty of parleys, histrionics and attitudinal indiscretion by turns.
41. Let public pressure be built up to bring to the fore all relevant details about the alleged marriage of Netaji and let them be presented by speakers who are not only well-equipped with the factual details of the case but are ordained with oratorical gifts as well. Moreover, there must be organisation in the pleading of the case with a near professional dexterity and not this sort of an amateurish effort with all good intent but with relatively less effect owing to a tendency to seeking the limelight and allowing the stage to get the better of one's sense and sensibility.
42. Fiery descendant of Netaji, Rajyashree Chaudhuri, what a lioness of a being ! Great clarity in presentation with a robust voice, flowing self-confidence and leonine articulation of essential data.
43. What superb oratory replete with a flood of facts by Drjayanta Choudhuri to crush the marriage myth of Netaji !
45. 'Netaji Collected Works' of Subhas Chandra Bose being indiscriminately edited by the Netaji Research Bureau? Is this true? @ Drjayanta Choudhuri, Madhusudan Pal, Rajyashree Chaudhuri
46. In future such shows if there is better order and organisation in the presentation of facts, then it will be easier for seekers to gather knowledge of the pertinent facts. Here there is too much of chaos and consequent induced confusion in the minds of the listeners for the speaker is either too excitable or too prolific with facts presented in a hurried and a trifle disorganised manner. This may be averted in future by taking public speaking classes so that the maximum utilisation of the available time be possible and, by way of consequence, the best communication be made with the audience.
47. This video ought to dispel the delusion in many a mind about the alleged marriage of Netaji to Emilie Schenkl which is, after all, pure myth or, perhaps, impure myth.
48. The arguments must be based on rigorous logic and not emotional effusion and hyper-excitement which is however understandable here for the speaker is highly involved. However, better sanity ought to prevail to drive home the points refuting the marriage and, that too, in an organised manner without histrionics.
49. So, who is Emilie Schenkl after all? Are there many Emilie Schenkls then? If so, why? If so, which one was finally decided upon as being the 'wife' of Netaji? Wife of a person who was a bachelor by self-declaration? Bravo, what perfidy !
50. 'গান্ধী' চলচ্চিত্রে নেতাজীকে কেন দেখানো হল না আদৌ ?
51. Why did the film 'Gandhi' not show Netaji at all?
52. শ্যাম বেনেগালের 'Bose -- A Forgotten Hero' চলচ্চিত্রে কি কি অসঙ্গতি দেখলেন ?
53. Joy Deep মহারাজকে আমন্ত্রণ জানাই নেতাজী বিষয়ক লাইভ শো করার জন্য |
54. সুভাসচন্দ্র বোস কি জানতেন যে ভগৎরাম তলওয়ার একজন চর ছিলেন যিনি কিনা তাঁর প্রতি বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করতে পারতেন ?
55. নেতাজী অন্তর্ধান রহস্যের কি কিনারা হবে না ? আপনাদের মতামত জানান ও উপায় নিরূপণ, নির্ধারণ করুন | কি করণীয় ?
56. নেতাজীর তথাকথিত বিবাহ বিষয়ে আপনাদের মতামত কি ?
57. Was Subhas Chandra Bose aware of the fact that Bhagat Ram Talwar was a spy who could betray him?
58. নেতাজী আজও জীবিত আছেন, একথা বহু মানুষ বলেন | এ কি অলীক কল্পনামাত্র ? মতামত জানান |
59. সুভাসচন্দ্র বোস কি পরিশেষে সন্ন্যাসী হয়ে গুপ্ত জীবন যাপন করেছিলেন ? এর যাথার্থ কতটা বলে আপনাদের বোধ হয় ?
60. Who was Terauchi? What was his position on the Bose disappearance?
61. What is the Koleshnikov-Roy connection to the Bose mystery?
62. Drjayanta Choudhuri, Keshab Bhattacherjee ও Madhusudan Pal --- এই তিন মহারথীকে একসঙ্গে চাই নেতাজী বিষয়ক লাইভ সেশনে |
63. জাস্টিস মনোজ কুমার মুখার্জী কেন বললেন চিত্রপরিচালক অম্লান কুসুম ঘোষকে, "আমি কিন্তু 100% sure যে উনিই হচ্ছেন নেতাজী |" ?
64. The Renkoji ashes have not till date been DNA tested. The official report says that the DNA of Gumnami Baba's tooth did not match with the DNA of the Bose family. But detractors claim intrigue and tampering with the report as the cause for the mismatch.
65. Yes, so it was on Netaji's arrival at the eastern borders with his army when Talwar passed on vital information to the British and betrayed Netaji's cause. Moreover, it has been incontrovertibly established that Talwar was working in the capacity of espionage agent for at least four different countries during WW II.
73. Let there be a Press Conference to counter such perfidy.
75. @ Bhaskar Mukherjee : It matters not whichever it is, admirer or devotee, so long as your admiration or devotion does not make you impervious to the fact that Aurobindo has castigated Netaji in the most brutal manner unbecoming of a supposed sage and thoroughly undeserved by the peerless patriot for all that he did for the motherland including the Japanese alliance for her liberation from colonial servitude.
2. Is Vivekananda dead? No, he is alive in the consciousness of thinking humanity.
3. There can be no compromise on the essential principles of life. To do so would be suicidal.
4. The Dissentient Report of Suresh Chandra Bose is crucial to solving the mystery and myth surrounding Netaji.
5. নেতাজী ও নেহরুর কি যথার্থই সখ্যতা ছিল শেষ পর্যন্ত ?
6. জড়ত্ব বড়ই যন্ত্রণা | চাই চৈতন্যের আলোকে মুক্তি |
7. শৌলমারীর স্বামী সারদানন্দ কে ছিলেন আসলে ? জনশ্রুতি কি বলে ? গবেষকরাই বা কি বলেন ?
8. INA War Chest gone, simply vanished into thin air.
9. কে পাঠাল খবর লীলা রায়কে ? দিলীপ কুমার রায় কি খবর পেলেন ? পর্দার আড়ালে কে ঐ ?
10. ইচিরো ওকুরা আর নেতাজীর সম্পর্ক কী ?
11. নেতাজী ১৭ বার মৃত বলে ঘোষিত হয়েও আজও জীবিত ?
12. ভগবনজী আজ কোথায় ?
13. শরৎ বোসকে হবিব--উর--রহমান চৌকো ঘড়ি দিলেন | কিন্তু নেতাজী তো গোল ঘড়ি পরতেন |
14. Did Netaji escape from his Elgin Road house in a car driven by Sisir Kumar Bose or did he do so with the help of the Sikhs like Sardar Sardul Singh Kabisher and the like?
15. নৈমিষারণ্যে কার সাথে দেখা হল এক অদ্ভুত সন্ন্যাসীর ? কারা কারা চিনে নিলেন তাঁকে ? কে সেই সাধু ?
16. What a waste of youth just chasing sensate dreams!
17. Hypocritical Hindus will learn about the danger to their dharma when the hour is past and they will have no more defence left.
8. INA War Chest gone, simply vanished into thin air.
9. কে পাঠাল খবর লীলা রায়কে ? দিলীপ কুমার রায় কি খবর পেলেন ? পর্দার আড়ালে কে ঐ ?
10. ইচিরো ওকুরা আর নেতাজীর সম্পর্ক কী ?
11. নেতাজী ১৭ বার মৃত বলে ঘোষিত হয়েও আজও জীবিত ?
12. ভগবনজী আজ কোথায় ?
13. শরৎ বোসকে হবিব--উর--রহমান চৌকো ঘড়ি দিলেন | কিন্তু নেতাজী তো গোল ঘড়ি পরতেন |
14. Did Netaji escape from his Elgin Road house in a car driven by Sisir Kumar Bose or did he do so with the help of the Sikhs like Sardar Sardul Singh Kabisher and the like?
15. নৈমিষারণ্যে কার সাথে দেখা হল এক অদ্ভুত সন্ন্যাসীর ? কারা কারা চিনে নিলেন তাঁকে ? কে সেই সাধু ?
16. What a waste of youth just chasing sensate dreams!
18. As education proliferates, culture precipitates.
19. Pleasure is the pastime of a decadent population and that spells the doom for the people.
20. When all hope shuns man, man shuns hope and awakes.
21. Why are we subservient to any nation anymore? Let us assert ourselves and break free of all fetters.
22. My personal opinion is that neither of them (Sri Aurobindo and Mother of Pondicherry) was a God-realised soul far from being the divine incarnation (Avatar) their disciples and followers characteristically claim them to be. Their flawed judgement, Aurobindo Ghosh's escape from revolutionary politics after introducing a whole lot of young blood to suffer the rigours of revolution and the future fantastic claims by Sri Aurobindo regarding the descent of the divine unto terrestrial consciousness to alter it unto itself, all these and many more reasons have shaped my opinion over the years.
23. A real shame! I never believed Sri Aurobindo was a seer. I always thought of him as a convenient escapist from revolutionary life to save his skin after having pushed a whole band of young people to suffer the rigours of revolution which in many a case meant death and in most others deportation to the dreaded Cellular Jail.
24. Sri Aurobindo said that Netaji had committed an act of treason against the motherland in seeking Japanese help to liberate her. So, how about it? It raises serious questions about his supposed sainthood in the dark background of such castigating comment, such a terrible aspersion cast on the patriot premier of our motherland. Netaji and treason? Good heavens! What delusion overcomes supersensuous vision? Or is there another angle to it altogether that compels us to take a fresh look at these seminal figures who from the sidelines can quip in with their observations with impunity?
25. What about Sri Aurobindo's labelling Netaji's alliance with Japan as an act of treason and crime against the motherland?
26. I will investigate this matter in depth and then write my critical appraisal on this issue.
27. I have posted the link for the entire set of letters exchanged between Dilip Kumar Roy and Sri Aurobindo regarding Subhas Chandra Bose. Kindly go through the entire text of it for a comprehensive understanding of the issue.
28. The comment has been made by Dr. Madhusudan Pal, dear wise one, Sanjay Chakraborty, and not by me. However, it is not us who have criticised Sri Aurobindo but it is he who has cast aspersions of the vilest type on Netaji, calling him as one who has committed treason and crime against the motherland. So, dear great follower of the sage who castigated Netaji for making alliance with the Japanese while himself running away to Pondicherry to avoid incarceration and possible death in revolution, it is better that you go through his writings on Netaji before pointing fingers at us.
29. So many pretenders in the world of the Spirit -- some mean and low, others exalted and hallowed, but pretenders, nonetheless.
30. But what about the vile aspersion cast by Sri Aurobindo on Netaji?
31. So many pretenders in the world of the Spirit -- some mean and low, others exalted and hallowed, but pretenders, nonetheless.
32. Good, good, right line of thinking, keep it up, and we shall meet with kindred sentiments and pertinent discoveries as to what had chanced in those tumultuous days of the betrayal of the motherland. (w.r.t. Sri Aurobindo's escape to Pondicherry)
33. Keep reading my posts and I shall give hints and clues and sometimes explosions galore where facts will speak. (w.r.t. Aurobindo escape)
34. Read Netaji's own refutation of such one-sided accusation of barbarism of the Nazis and the fascists and his exposure of British barbarism of a much more gruesome kind under the false cover of civilisation. Even Swamiji was of the opinion that the British have been the most barbarous regime in modern history and he had even cursed the English while in America lecturing when he forecast the destruction of the British at the hands of the teeming millions of Chinese sweeping them into the North Sea which was what they eminently deserved. (@ Bhaskar Mukherjee w.r.t Sri Aurobindo's criticism of Netaji as having committed treason and crime against the motherland)
34. Read Netaji's own refutation of such one-sided accusation of barbarism of the Nazis and the fascists and his exposure of British barbarism of a much more gruesome kind under the false cover of civilisation. Even Swamiji was of the opinion that the British have been the most barbarous regime in modern history and he had even cursed the English while in America lecturing when he forecast the destruction of the British at the hands of the teeming millions of Chinese sweeping them into the North Sea which was what they eminently deserved. (@ Bhaskar Mukherjee w.r.t Sri Aurobindo's criticism of Netaji as having committed treason and crime against the motherland)
35. Joy Deep : But Sri Aurobindo supposedly was a seer and ought to, by his self-professed claims to super-divine standards whereby he was in the process of altering terrestrial human consciousness altogether, have known better. If he did not, which it seems to have been the case, then his and the Mother's semblance of omniscience as God-incarnate will be deemed rather suspect and the tall claims to yogic insights and attainments will crash to a precipitous fall. When the Mother met Abid Hassan and heard his spirited defence of his leader, her extreme views about Netaji were moderated and she along with her master adopted a softer, although, the same principled line in policy, towards Netaji. This sort of experiential ever-adjusting perspective about personalities while being suggestive of human pliability, is certainly indicative as well of flawed judgement, the incapacity to see through to the inner nature of man and the paucity in the perceptive faculties whereby yogis with unerring insight can read into the seeds of time, space and causality, a sine qua non at any rate for anyone seeking to masterfully alter the course of human destiny through the working of the truth consciousness (hreet chetana). Such human fallibility, while being very much acceptable in rational terms, is rather incongruous in the self-defined divine setting to which the Mother had placed the Master (Sri Aurobindo) and the Master the Mother. So, it is a curious medley of misguided metaphysics that seems to have stolen the show and sunk the ship of the supposed spiritual duo midstream.
36. There is but one ideal before the youth of India and it is Vivekananda.
37. Set aside half hour every day for the study of Indian history. Slowly you can thus build up a fund of historical knowledge.
38. Read 'Chakrabyuhey Netaji' by Keshab Bhattacherjee to get a comprehensive grasp of the Netaji mystery.
39. কেশব ভট্টাচার্য (Keshab Bhattacherjee) রচিত 'চক্রব্যুহে নেতাজি' পড়ুন | নেতাজী বিষয়ক সর্বতথ্যসম্বলিত প্রামাণ্য পুস্তক এটি |
40. This is a case that requires legal expertise in the presentation of facts and not a drawing room discourse with plenty of parleys, histrionics and attitudinal indiscretion by turns.
41. Let public pressure be built up to bring to the fore all relevant details about the alleged marriage of Netaji and let them be presented by speakers who are not only well-equipped with the factual details of the case but are ordained with oratorical gifts as well. Moreover, there must be organisation in the pleading of the case with a near professional dexterity and not this sort of an amateurish effort with all good intent but with relatively less effect owing to a tendency to seeking the limelight and allowing the stage to get the better of one's sense and sensibility.
42. Fiery descendant of Netaji, Rajyashree Chaudhuri, what a lioness of a being ! Great clarity in presentation with a robust voice, flowing self-confidence and leonine articulation of essential data.
43. What superb oratory replete with a flood of facts by Drjayanta Choudhuri to crush the marriage myth of Netaji !
45. 'Netaji Collected Works' of Subhas Chandra Bose being indiscriminately edited by the Netaji Research Bureau? Is this true? @ Drjayanta Choudhuri, Madhusudan Pal, Rajyashree Chaudhuri
46. In future such shows if there is better order and organisation in the presentation of facts, then it will be easier for seekers to gather knowledge of the pertinent facts. Here there is too much of chaos and consequent induced confusion in the minds of the listeners for the speaker is either too excitable or too prolific with facts presented in a hurried and a trifle disorganised manner. This may be averted in future by taking public speaking classes so that the maximum utilisation of the available time be possible and, by way of consequence, the best communication be made with the audience.
47. This video ought to dispel the delusion in many a mind about the alleged marriage of Netaji to Emilie Schenkl which is, after all, pure myth or, perhaps, impure myth.
48. The arguments must be based on rigorous logic and not emotional effusion and hyper-excitement which is however understandable here for the speaker is highly involved. However, better sanity ought to prevail to drive home the points refuting the marriage and, that too, in an organised manner without histrionics.
49. So, who is Emilie Schenkl after all? Are there many Emilie Schenkls then? If so, why? If so, which one was finally decided upon as being the 'wife' of Netaji? Wife of a person who was a bachelor by self-declaration? Bravo, what perfidy !
51. Why did the film 'Gandhi' not show Netaji at all?
52. শ্যাম বেনেগালের 'Bose -- A Forgotten Hero' চলচ্চিত্রে কি কি অসঙ্গতি দেখলেন ?
53. Joy Deep মহারাজকে আমন্ত্রণ জানাই নেতাজী বিষয়ক লাইভ শো করার জন্য |
54. সুভাসচন্দ্র বোস কি জানতেন যে ভগৎরাম তলওয়ার একজন চর ছিলেন যিনি কিনা তাঁর প্রতি বিশ্বাসঘাতকতা করতে পারতেন ?
55. নেতাজী অন্তর্ধান রহস্যের কি কিনারা হবে না ? আপনাদের মতামত জানান ও উপায় নিরূপণ, নির্ধারণ করুন | কি করণীয় ?
56. নেতাজীর তথাকথিত বিবাহ বিষয়ে আপনাদের মতামত কি ?
57. Was Subhas Chandra Bose aware of the fact that Bhagat Ram Talwar was a spy who could betray him?
58. নেতাজী আজও জীবিত আছেন, একথা বহু মানুষ বলেন | এ কি অলীক কল্পনামাত্র ? মতামত জানান |
59. সুভাসচন্দ্র বোস কি পরিশেষে সন্ন্যাসী হয়ে গুপ্ত জীবন যাপন করেছিলেন ? এর যাথার্থ কতটা বলে আপনাদের বোধ হয় ?
60. Who was Terauchi? What was his position on the Bose disappearance?
61. What is the Koleshnikov-Roy connection to the Bose mystery?
62. Drjayanta Choudhuri, Keshab Bhattacherjee ও Madhusudan Pal --- এই তিন মহারথীকে একসঙ্গে চাই নেতাজী বিষয়ক লাইভ সেশনে |
63. জাস্টিস মনোজ কুমার মুখার্জী কেন বললেন চিত্রপরিচালক অম্লান কুসুম ঘোষকে, "আমি কিন্তু 100% sure যে উনিই হচ্ছেন নেতাজী |" ?
64. The Renkoji ashes have not till date been DNA tested. The official report says that the DNA of Gumnami Baba's tooth did not match with the DNA of the Bose family. But detractors claim intrigue and tampering with the report as the cause for the mismatch.
66. Concoction for commerce or correct claim? Which one?
67. How about organising a defence against the allegation that Gumnami Baba / Bhagawanji suffered from Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)?
68. I am not the Sugata Bose, son of Dr. Sisir Bose, that you possibly deem me to be. I am quite another Sugata Bose totally unconnected in terms of blood-bond to the extended Netaji family. Hence, you have proved your own ignorance by making this caustic remark against me, although, I gather that it has been all in good intent. @ Debojyoti Misra
69. So, every trash published must cost us money to refute. Is that the game plan? However, I will for sure read and write thereafter in detail as and how clarity comes about this convoluted concoction of sorts.
70. Every bit of effort inclusive of positing questions adds fillip to the movement and may not be belittled as ineffectual work done.
69. So, every trash published must cost us money to refute. Is that the game plan? However, I will for sure read and write thereafter in detail as and how clarity comes about this convoluted concoction of sorts.
70. Every bit of effort inclusive of positing questions adds fillip to the movement and may not be belittled as ineffectual work done.
72. Of course. MN has accepted the marriage of Netaji. Its most prominent member is on record that they have accepted it on the ground that Sarat Chandra Bose had apparently accepted the same. Regarding Sarat Bose's acceptance, though, there is a cloud of doubt covering the whole issue for he had reportedly rejected the marriage by some accounts. Hence, we are on treacherous terrain regarding the marriage myth and its many mysteries.
73. Let there be a Press Conference to counter such perfidy.
74. @ Bhaskar Mukherjee : Where does such a proposition (the loss of friendship) arise except in your fertile imagination that it could be so on grounds of contrarian viewpoints? It is you who have called me names while I have merely argued consistently on a principled basis.
75. @ Bhaskar Mukherjee : It matters not whichever it is, admirer or devotee, so long as your admiration or devotion does not make you impervious to the fact that Aurobindo has castigated Netaji in the most brutal manner unbecoming of a supposed sage and thoroughly undeserved by the peerless patriot for all that he did for the motherland including the Japanese alliance for her liberation from colonial servitude.
76. @ Manish Joshi : Cannot quite agree with your opinionated view about my intent. I think I have made myself abundantly clear for easy comprehension of any. If, however, you seem not to fathom my rectitude in approach to things and choose to commit me to your preferred notions about my self, I can merely witness such musings with a degree of detached indifference.
77. @ Manish Joshi : Your findings are fine but they will need future refinement in the light of fresher discoveries about my intent and objective.
78. @ Manish Joshi : True enough, for principles follow very often the order of reversibility.
79. @ Joy Deep : What insight into the historical working of things! You must come live on facebook and share these priceless thoughts with all and sundry and I say it with conviction that there will be plenty of takers of these gems of thought among the many who wend their way through the labyrinth of life.
80. Desperate claims about Gumnami Baba on what basis? Must commercial calculations rule the roost? Who benefits most and who suffers?
81. Must commerce resort to castigating, casting calumny on the seminal spirits of the times? Is this not defamation as well?
There is a need for concerted effort on our part to rise up in resistance to everything that commercialises the country's core concerns in demystifying the disappearance of Netaji and bringing sanity to the discourse. Arbitrary claims and consequent commerce in levelling charges and casting calumny against the reclusive figure of Bhagavanji, who many believe was/is Netaji in the ascetic's garb, is reprehensible and needs repudiation in the severest terms if proven false. That Netaji sells well is anybody's guess and this cashing in at somebody's expense must not be allowed to proliferate. Else, the respectability of activists will take a severe beating as seems to be the destiny of the current lot of self-styled activists claiming exclusive knowledge of Bhagavanji's unstable mental state post supposed torture during Soviet incarceration. That he was suffering from psychological imbalance on account of Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD) which 'manifested in occasional false memories and delusions (paranoid and grandiose)' needs to be established by the book writers on the firm foundation of facts and not mere self-styled preferred inferences that lack rational rigour and cannot be deemed conclusive. It is up to the authors, who claim such corrosive conclusions, to prove that they are in the right. Should they fail, their credibility, already much corroded in many a corridor, will be lost for good and the Baba will stand vindicated thus in his absolute sanity and the recoil of karma will have had its fitting fruition. I shall post further on this contentious issue as I get to study in depth --- provided there is depth to it --- the contents of this book and arrive at my own conclusions.
Written by Sugata Bose
83. অপপ্রচারের প্রতিবাদস্বরূপ নেতাজী অনুরাগীদের শুধু সোচ্চার হলেই হবে না, চাই তাঁর জীবনচর্যা ও সেই আদর্শে আত্মচরিত্রগঠন |
84. এ অহং দূর হোক !
There is a need for concerted effort on our part to rise up in resistance to everything that commercialises the country's core concerns in demystifying the disappearance of Netaji and bringing sanity to the discourse. Arbitrary claims and consequent commerce in levelling charges and casting calumny against the reclusive figure of Bhagavanji, who many believe was/is Netaji in the ascetic's garb, is reprehensible and needs repudiation in the severest terms if proven false. That Netaji sells well is anybody's guess and this cashing in at somebody's expense must not be allowed to proliferate. Else, the respectability of activists will take a severe beating as seems to be the destiny of the current lot of self-styled activists claiming exclusive knowledge of Bhagavanji's unstable mental state post supposed torture during Soviet incarceration. That he was suffering from psychological imbalance on account of Post Trauma Stress Disorder (PTSD) which 'manifested in occasional false memories and delusions (paranoid and grandiose)' needs to be established by the book writers on the firm foundation of facts and not mere self-styled preferred inferences that lack rational rigour and cannot be deemed conclusive. It is up to the authors, who claim such corrosive conclusions, to prove that they are in the right. Should they fail, their credibility, already much corroded in many a corridor, will be lost for good and the Baba will stand vindicated thus in his absolute sanity and the recoil of karma will have had its fitting fruition. I shall post further on this contentious issue as I get to study in depth --- provided there is depth to it --- the contents of this book and arrive at my own conclusions.
Written by Sugata Bose
84. এ অহং দূর হোক !
85. সরলতার দ্বারা যাঁকে পাওয়া যায়, বাঁকা পথে সেই বাঁকেবিহারীকে পাবেন কেমন করে ? তিনি যে সবার থেকে চতুর |
86. আসুন, সত্যস্বামীজীকে খুঁজে বের করি প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক প্রহরা পেরিয়ে |
87. So long as this country does not make commerce secondary to truth, it will not rise.
88. This blind adherence to personality at the cost of principle is not going to see the rise of this nation. It should be the other way round.
89. কবে বাঙালীর চেতনা হবে শ্রীরামকৃষ্ণের ঈশ্বরত্ব সম্বন্ধে ? হবে না, কারণ ব্রহ্মচর্য ব্যতীত মহৎ ধারণা অসম্ভব |
90. মূর্খ তিনি যিনি ঠাকুরকে যাঁরা অবতার বলে গ্রহণ করেছেন, তাঁদের প্রকারান্তরে মূর্খ বলেন |
91. বাংলাদেশের Ashraful Islamএর নেতাজীর প্রতি অনুরাগ ও সমপরিমাণে সাংগঠনিক প্রকল্প রূপায়ণের প্রচেষ্টা দেখে আশ্চর্য হই |
92. আধ্যাত্মিকতার নামে প্রাতিষ্ঠানিক বৈভব দুঃসহ |
93. একদিকে মানুষ দারিদ্রের সাথে সংগ্রামে জীবনে ক্লীষ্ট আর অপরদিকে অবলীলায় অর্থের অপচয় অনাবশ্যক ' আধ্যাত্মিক ' আরম্বরে | এটিও কি স্বামীজী সমর্থিত ?
94. আমি ত্যাগী বিপ্লবী দেখেছি, তাই ত্যাগ কাকে বলে বুঝি | আজ আধ্যাত্মিক জগৎ শূণ্য দেখি চারিধারে | দুঃসহ কষ্ট বহন করে চলেছি |
95. God bless the photographers for they have done maximum for the devotees who care not to read posts but merely love PHOTOGRAPHS !
96. Self-projection in the name of projecting Netaji is reprehensible and ought to be done away with outright.
97. How long shall a celibate suffer marriage and fatherhood?
98. দিনরাত জড়ের মধ্যে থাকলে মানুষ জড় হয় | সে তখন উন্নত চৈতন্যবান মানুষকে চালনা করতে চায় | এইটিই ' সভ্যতার সংকট ' |
98. দিনরাত জড়ের মধ্যে থাকলে মানুষ জড় হয় | সে তখন উন্নত চৈতন্যবান মানুষকে চালনা করতে চায় | এইটিই ' সভ্যতার সংকট ' |
99. Srish Chandra Ghosh, the boyhood buddy of Rash Behari Bose.
The tragedy of life is this that we are obvious of our divine Self and, so, suffer the myriad miseries of life. And the comedy of life is this that we finally discover our real Self and enjoy its freedom and bliss ever after.
Written by Sugata Bose
The tragedy of life is this that we are obvious of our divine Self and, so, suffer the myriad miseries of life. And the comedy of life is this that we finally discover our real Self and enjoy its freedom and bliss ever after.
Written by Sugata Bose
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