Saturday, 6 April 2019



It is terrible to witness the loss of character in people all around and it is not just the defect in the eye that judges it to be so. One can understand that it is a necessary phase in human evolution through the fleshly filth that will not go till its debt be paid, for such is the feature fed into the fabric of human evolution, an-built element of the universal mind that simply will not relent till its duties be cleared. But be that as it may, this gross capitulation to carnal desires, camouflaged howsoever they may be, hardly does justice to the cause of rapid spiritual evolution of deluded man. And woman plays no less a role in it, sharing equal culpability to the effecting of this downward spiral whence a surge of spiritual injection alone can rescue it as will be possible only when the descent of the Divine is an event actualised. Till then we have to bear and forbear all these indiscretions of fallible man, and, as I said, equally fallible woman, and learn to navigate our way through the turbulent tide of delusive desire and its unwholesome expression. How this will affect the mental climate is anybody's guess and the unholy alliance of man and the environment thus, will usher in a future progeny as vicious as the desirous parents had it in their genes as their due. This is unlikely to either bring peace on earth or its preludes in terns of a social and cultural revival, for the seeds sown can only produce what their germinated kinds lie in wait to be.

The potential ever expresses its soul in a fruition of its own and unless the means be pure, the end never is and the destiny is a desecration of the ideal alpha of things. And herein lies the significance of purity, morals, ethics, spirituality, call it what you will, in whose absence life peters out into a shallow nothingness, a hollow insubstantial episode whence culture nosedives and civilisation treads the edge of extinction. Such has been the case with many a past culture, with people who in the prime of civilisation rose the crest of material glory, only to subside into a progressively petering froth that left no trace in the tide of times. Shall we also perish then, in hot pursuit of sensual culture as we are today?

No, such a thing can never be, for it is not the inherent tendency of our nation, neither is it our destiny as a race. The vast masses of our people are as yet in the villages and they are largely immune from this sort of decadent physical culture that shows up in the cities in its corrupt corrosive ways. There shall be a revival of the ancient spirit of the land from the village greens and the harvest of a fresh autumn shall yet be from the dense deep of the Indian consciousness, a renewed utterance of the ancient verse invigorated by a fresh influx of the spirit divine.

The Ancient Mother is rising and, in its wake, all these aberrations of the times are happening but they shall pass with the rush of the southern breeze that will infuse a new current of life in this decadence that has so afflicted the city-bred civilian. Whether we shall be privy to such a renaissance of our national culture will largely depend on how we respond to the challenges of the times and gear ourselves up for making positive changes in our own lives, how we sharpen our insight to be able to see into the life of things, into the seed of the future flow of events, our course, current and confluence at the ocean that will be. Upon our effort will lie our reward of a deeper perception that will issue its own bliss and our failure to act in the preferred way will lead to our despair in our obstructed vision, in our drag downwards and in our degenerate futility of earthly existence. The stage is set and ours is the role to enact, an unrehearsed indeterminate play-acting in this sensory, prismatic, refracted world.

Written by Sugata Bose

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