Friday 5 April 2019



So long as the call to cleanliness makes you cast man away from you, your body politic will remain divided and weak. Respect man. Accept him as your own if you must triumph as a nation, for in unity is strength, in giving dignity to others the sustenance of self-dignity and in consolidation of the citizenry the corrective course for the country long divided and weakened by the powers that be.

Awake India to unity and glory despite the historical heresies you have suffered, despite the past and the present perfidies perpetrated by politicians and priests ! The power of the people none can resist and it will triumph still. Lest it misguided runs into the quagmire of materialism, let us seek inspiration in the works of our sages and saints and guide our course along the preferred way, not 'the way of all flesh' but the way of the spirit pure, pristine free. That is our goal, our divine destination, and unto that aspired end we must move along the precharted path to perfection. Let not our littleness stand in the way and thwart this grand advance.

Written by Sugata Bose

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