Wednesday, 24 April 2019




You are free to label me with all the epithets at your disposal for that is but the residual refrain of refracted devotion. When objective analysis fails to gain ground and opacity to reason gets the upper hand, as it happens in the case of verbally violent individuals issuing vitriolic personal comments as, my esteemed friend, you are indulging in, it becomes imperative for the recipient to refrain from sullying his response in equal terms and to further the course of the discourse with worthier opponents in more civilised debate than this one is being reduced to inevitably, courtesy your personal attacks.

This has been my response to Aurobindo's casting of most damaging aspersion of treason on the peerless patriot that Netaji was. It is hard to fathom how supposed equal devotion to Aurobindo and Netaji from one may fail to draw the ire of such when the former labels such epithets against the latter of unsullied patriotism. If anyone has betrayed the motherland to seek self-security and serene personal peacefulness at the cost of the country after having led scores of the freshest flowers of humanity to the gallows and to hideous hell in deportation, it certainly was the derelict to duty in the form of the leader who left the battlefield and not the 'Prince of Patriots' who led from the front right till the very end. So, if any question mark is to be raised about commitment to the nation, it certainly points in the direction of the caustic critic in secure self-isolation in French terrain rather than in the direction of the one being who could manfully rise to attempt driving the British out of the subcontinent.

Devotion to Netaji is not a mere verbal affair but requires a stronger character current among such declared devotees when their hero is nastily hit below the belt by one who could scant care for the ones who he had condemned to death and despair in dreaded deportation through his sudden discovery of deluded divinity. Such unprincipled following having not the courage of conviction to stand by their unduly castigated leader of unblemished patriotism is unworthy of being considered as due devotion for it stands shorn of the essential self-respect that characterises the true devotee. If criticism made of Netaji by Aurobindo had been on the basis of mere principles and not personal condemnation of the most damaging order, it would have been welcome for it would have added historical perspective to the said discourse. As it turned out, though, the statement made was far from civil and most unbecoming of a supposed seer. Hence, the rebuttal offered by this insignificant writer in a bid to undo the damage thus done to the patriot perennial. This is devotion when men rise to the occasion to defend the brightest and the best when under hideous attack from homeland where support ought to have been.

Written by Sugata Bose

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