Wednesday 17 April 2019



Education must teach us to be respectful to elders even as the old Gurukul system taught us to be worshipful to father (Om, pitri devo bhava), mother (Om, matridevo bhava), preceptor (Om, acharya deva bhava) and guest (Om, atithi devo bhava). To this Swamiji had added, reverence to the poor (Om, daridra devo bhava), reverence to the ignorant (Om, muurkha devo bhava), reverence to the sinner (Om, paapi devo bhava) and reverence to the afflicted (Om, taapi devo bhava). Let these mantras be the building blocks of our education that will foster strength of character, purity of purpose and idealism in life. Worshipful reverence (shraddha) is the basis of life and this shall be the foundation for the future rise of our nation. May educationists heed this message and make necessary changes to the present set-up so that a renascent young order of humanity comes up in India and careers our national course along the age-old channel of spiritual evolution !

Written by Sugata Bose

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