Monday 4 February 2019



Fanatics gain the upper hand often because of the depth of their narrow adherence to doctrinaire principles while liberals lose it out to them on account of their utter lack of living the life of the spirit. It is the inner life that fires up the soul to sacrifice for a cause, however foolish such self-sacrifice may be deemed by rationalists who are dismissive of all faith.

But faith works wonders as it vitalises the being and reinforces dedication to a narrow cause that appears in the guise of the ultimate project of earthly life.

Mere intellectual assent or dissent to a principle and the rationalisation process thereof does not fire up the soul thus and it is here that liberals lose out to fanatics who garner mass support by whipping up irrational passions for the fruition of their ends.

Liberals remain impotent on account of their own catholicity and tolerate fanaticism as part of the democratic discourse of the polity. But fanatics put liberals to the sword once their objective in using the support of the liberals to attain their ends has been achieved. Thus, again and again liberals have risen in human civilisation only to be mercilessly put down by extreme ideological fanaticism that has sent civilisations to despair the world over.

We ought to learn from history and must not trust these fanatical Semitic cults that have now gained supremacy as major world religions but which continue to harbour core corrosive ideology as the absolute truth articulated by the Divine to His messenger or prophet that has to be thrust on the whole of humanity to enforce a monolithic world order of singular theocratic domination.

Liberals, beware ! Humanity, awake ! Your future freedom depends on your watchfulness.

Written by Sugata Bose

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