Saturday 9 February 2019



In 1929 Bhagwati Charan Vohra rented Room no. 69 of the Kashmir Building in Lahore and converted it into a bomb-manufacturing factory. On the fateful day of Dec. 23, 1929, as per Vohra's master plan, a bomb was exploded under the train of Viceroy Lord Irwin in the Delhi-Agra railway line. But fate deemed otherwise and Lord Irwin escaped unscathed.

Mahatma Gandhi immediately announced his thankfulness to God for sparing the Viceroy and categorically denounced the act of revolutionary terrorism in his article 'The Cult of Bomb'.

Bhagwati Charan Vohra in alliance with Chandrasekhar Azad responded with an article entitled 'The Philosophy of Bomb'. In it he made an open appeal to the youth to join them in their revolutionary activity. The final paragraph of this article is being published here and it is as follows :

The Philosophy of Bomb ... Written by Bhagwati Charan Vohra and Chandrasekhar Azad

... There is no crime that Britain has not committed in India. Deliberate misrule has reduced us to paupers, has ‘bled us white’. As a race and a people we stand dishonoured and outraged. Do people still expect us to forget and to forgive? We shall have our revenge – a people’s righteous revenge on the tyrant. Let cowards fall back and cringe for compromise and peace. We ask not for mercy and we give no quarter. Ours is a war to the end – to Victory or Death.

Paraphrased from Wikipedia source by Sugata Bose

Photo : Bhagwati Charan Vohra

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