Tuesday, 19 February 2019



India must wake up to the threat that the perfidious elements within Pakistan pose to its very existence. It is Ghazwa-e-Hind that motivates them. Beware, India, of such scriptural prophecies and try to win this ideological war as well !

Pakistan has launched a comprehensive war on India and we have to counter it comprehensively as well. We must defeat them at every level, ideologically, economically, diplomatically, militarily and politically. It must be an all-out offensive, a comprehensive, cohesive and coherent response that will gradually weaken Pakistan to submission.

But with Pakistan gaining US and Chinese support for geopolitical reasons, and funding from Saudi Arabia for establishment of the Umma worldwide, the likelihood of weakening Pakistan this way is little and this noxious state is going to grow to cancerous proportions and threaten the life of India which is its stated political objective.

Hence, sustained strengthening of our own nation and our alliances with foreign powers to diminish Pakistan's status ought to be the long-term strategy and there can never be any trust of this traitorous state that was carved out of India only to ever plot and engineer the downfall of its mother country. So far as the immediate military measures are concerned, I am innocent of armed warfare to be able to sufficiently suggest such moves with any degree of fairness of opinion.

Written by Sugata Bose

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