Tuesday 26 February 2019



It is psychological warfare that the enemy wages on you before it physically assaults you. Hence, nationalism is the need of the hour.

The narrative of India, thus far distorted and disseminated through the nerve-system of the nation, needs to change and its course retrace the lost lines of the national evolution of ages. It is the Sanatan Dharma that has to be revived, not along Gandhian lines but along the lines that have been preset ages ago during the times of the Vedas, the Upanishads and the Puranas.

The national intelligence must be quickened, the national valour asserted, the economy continuously strengthened from within and the teeming toiling millions who are the backbone of the nation well-cared for so that they may empower the nation in the most befitting way. This is real nationalism and to this we must all contribute. 

Written by Sugata Bose

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