Wednesday, 20 February 2019



Pakistan must be neutralised by America now or never. It can easily pass on nuclear technology to other Islamic states and therein lies the danger to the whole of humanity. The next global cataclysm, that is, the third world war, is likely to involve the Islamic states on one side, aided by a superpower like China and/or Russia, and the rest of humanity on the other. It is high time that this threat to humanity that is officially an Islamic republic and, so, subscribes to the concept of 'kayaamat' or 'the doomsday' on the basis of scriptural affirmation, is rendered impotent before it is too late.

Nuclear technology available in the hands of rogue nations is the perennial threat to peace. India must ally itself increasingly with America and see to it that her noxious neighbour's poisonous fangs are extracted before it can eject its nuclear venom on humanity. Pakistan, terrorist and blackmailer nation that it is, must be liquidated for good and India has missed several chances in the past to do so. It is unlikely that India will be able to do anything substantive now on a military basis despite the tall claims of the Prime Minister, for the nuclear threat will always act as the deterrent number one.

Peace and Pakistan are incompatible and the evil within this state has to be eliminated by other means. A long-term comprehensive strategy is the only way out. Short-term offensives will teach the military establishment there short-term lessons before amnesia sinks in, taking Pakistan back to square one and the whole cycle of offensives against India will begin once again. The nuclear blackmail of this terror outfit that masquerades as a nation will continue and India will continue as ever to bleed for it. 

Our collective will as a nation must be strengthened to tackle this problem and the international community must press Pakistan into economic servitude to force it to mend ways and stop arming itself. The other Islamic nations must not be allowed to arm themselves any further either, remembering that Pakistan is the ringleader of them all.

It is in the long-term interests of USA to align with India in order to contain both Pakistan and China and this they must not fail to do. The United States allied with India, and Pakistan isolated from such alliance, much of India's problems in relation to Pakistan will be solved. Otherwise, the problem will overtime be worse compounded as Pakistan, leading the Umma (the Islamic concept of international nationhood of Muslim-majority countries), will prove far more potent in the future than is being realised by the major world powers now, power-drunk and semiconscious of the threat as they are. So I say, America, wake up. It is time to sleep no more.

Written by Sugata Bose

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