Thursday, 28 February 2019



''One man armed in truth can face the whole universe in opposition.'' So said Swamiji. How many among you are willing to live this principle out in life and emerge patriots to the core?

Passive piety there has been enough. Demonstrations of debilitated devotion there have been plentiful manifestations of. Now the time has come to show strength of character by doing something for the nation to strengthen it and not weaken it by diluting the movement for nationalism through intellectual counter-arguments borrowed from the West that go against the grain of the national evolution for ages. This nationalism will save us as a civilisation and it must have a historical basis that spans the entire period of our national life and not merely dating from independence in 1947.

The national narrative is Hindu and this must be recognised in the broadest sense of the term. Sanskrit must be reintroduced in schools as the heritage language of our motherland and universities must be likewise opened specifically for the study of the language and the civilisation of India from the Hindu perspective.

But for all this we need integration of being and unity of purpose and let us strive for it instead of indulging in fruitless exclamations of surface devotion that mean no more than engagement in indolence in place of active participation in programmes of national reconstruction.

Vande Mataram !

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Swami Sadananda (left) ; Swami Vivekananda (right).

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