Friday 8 February 2019



Election over at Tripuri. Massive defeat suffered by the Mahatma's nominee. Pattabhi pulverised by patriot. Mahatma rises to the occasion by stooping low to restore order. And it is order, indeed, cold commandment to Congressmen to boycott Bose in the Working Committee meeting at Tripuri. Split in Congress imminent. British and the Muslim League to benefit. Bose resigns. Gandhi pretends sympathy.

Incapacitated internally by the corrosive Congress coterie led by Gandhi, Bose escapes and returns with army on the eastern borders. Congress non-cooperate with Bose still. Gandhi loses control. Nehru, Patel, Jinnah, Mountbatten --- they seal the deal and the motherland is mutilated. Gandhi pretends yet again by fasting to stop riots and to secure Pakistan the promised funds but does not do so to prevent Partition. Millions die. Father of the Nation, indeed, but which nation?

Written by Sugata Bose

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