Saturday, 23 February 2019



No man who is impure can realise God. Religions that do not insist on perfect purity, absolute continence and abstinence from carnal contact as the prerequisite to spiritual enlightenment rot to the core. It is these that perpetrate terror in the name of holy war in their bid to forcibly convert all others to their fold, gain world domination and create a monolith of men which can never be. For such uniformity of terrestrial existence is against the very grain of humanity that derives its sustenance from the variegated order of phenomena, and necessarily fails to persist for any protracted period of time or over the entire mass of humanity. It creates unnecessary conflict among peoples by its attempted imposition of doctrinaire faith of a coarse kind deriving from desert roots and decadent habits, and is the cause of much of the modern world's medieval maladies. And all this is rooted in impurity, in incontinence, in an original impulse of fleshly faith that covers consciousness of the divine in man and reduces reason to a mockery of sorts.

The seeds have been sown and the harvest is being reaped and none can prevent its present and future fruition unless the very seeds are extracted from the earth and burnt to roots. Then and then alone will intolerant ideology that seeks its habitat in young minds to perpetuate its malicious cause be rooted out of human culture and a fresh growth fill the residual void. In such shall be the resurrection of submissive and subjugated humanity, in such shall be the fulfilment of humanity's pristine promise.

Written by Sugata Bose

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