Monday 25 February 2019



The backbone of our nation has been well-nigh destroyed by falsification of our history and distortion of data to suit political ends. The citizens have been misled into believing all sorts of historical untruths which have made them feel inadequate and incapable of redressing the issues that confront them. But these are all based on lies that have been fed into the nation through a calculated system of suppression of fact and the highlighting of myths that now need to be dispelled and the people delivered from their unholy hold.

Will you not, my countrymen, at this critical hour in our nation's emergence, dedicate yourselves to discerning fact from fiction, the discovery of the real data of our historical past and, so, resurrecting the soul of our motherland? Will you not manifest the dormant martial spirit of the race that alone can undo the perfidies of the past that are threatening the fabric of our nation through legal appendages like Article 370 and Article 35A?

Written by Sugata Bose

Photo : Dr. Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar

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