Tuesday, 5 February 2019



Religion is the subjective method of attempting to know reality and science is the objective method of doing it. It is the movement from the gross to the subtle which is an evolutionary drive of the mind as the nerves open up to subtler and subtler currents of thought and ideas, and vistas unfold revealing domains unknown before.

The movement is from the many to the one and this is the essential finding of the Vedanta that the many are the manifestation of one fundamental reality that is formless and devoid of attributes.

Science also has been at this search for one fundamental law that can explain all of Nature but is struggling on account of its dogmatism with matter and its refusal to explore the domain of the spirit even in principle.

This total divorce between the opposed partners of the human endeavour must end in a marital alliance in the long run if humanity is to progress along its evolutionary path in a fruitful way. And this will happen as have been prophesied by Swami Vivekananda and Sri Aurobindo. Else, it will be a barren chase for gold eventually and civilisation will sink into oblivion by its very awakening of the material demons that will spell its doom for sure.

Written by Sugata Bose

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