Tuesday 8 April 2014


Towards the fulfilment of such an end Ramakrishna and Vivekananda incarnated themselves in 19th century India to counter the offensive of materialism and to write the tenets of the New Age Religion based not on belief but on realisation, not exclusive dogma but all-embracing harmony of faiths, never unreasonable, yet, transcending reason. Through their unprecedented austerities, catholicity of acceptance and universality of feeling, they penetrated the subliminal consciousness of humanity to set in the transformation of the collective consciousness of man whereby a new order of humanity may arise free from the incongruities of the present-day consciousness. Vivekananda called this 'root and branch reform' while the scriptures variously call it 'the establishment of the Religion of the Age' (yugadharma samsthaapan) and 'the rolling of the Wheel of Virtue' (dharma chakra pravartana).

Such a motion has been set in in this Age by this luminous duo. The world awaits the fruition of their labour of love. Vivekananda has said that the birth of Ramakrishna marks the advent of the Age of Truth (Satya Yuga). He envisioned the rise of a spiritual tidal wave from the core-consciousness of Ramakrishna inundating the whole world even unto its remotest corners. He saw it 'boundless, resistless, all-absorbing.' Indeed, we are all afloat on this wave of Ramakrishna-Vivekananda. May all inequities be washed away by the current of this deluge! May our hearts be purified by the sanctifying power of its grace! May our souls unite to bring about the common good of all!

Om! Shanti! Shanti! Shanti!
(Om! Peace! Peace! Peace!)

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