Monday 7 April 2014


The workings of karma are very subtle. We barely see the outermost manifestations of them. But deep beneath the surface of things there are rumblings unheard by us, vibrations so fine that meet not the eye, yet, these are the progenitors of karma. We barely see the bubble but the base of the bubble-tank escapes our vision. Yet, karma in its subtlest modes if not understood and grappled with, the study of this grand science will be in vain.

To be able to study the inner workings of karma, we have to dive deep into our selves and study the workings of our mind at progressively deeper levels whence issues karma. The study of the mind is the domain of Raja Yoga and hence the need for the Grand Alliance between the four yogas, Jnana Yoga, Bhakti Yoga, Raja Yoga and Karma Yoga, for the efficient study of each.

Who is the doer of action? Who is the bearer of its fruit? These are the two most fundamental questions that confront us when we study Karma Yoga. These are profound questions that confound us and in seeking their solutions we realise the enormity of the challenge that is the performance of motive-free work, work for world-welfare and self-liberation. Are we free to perform work? Is there a free will or are we all helplessly bound to the Wheel of Karma, rolling on with the momentum of the Cosmic Wheel with no say in the matter, no way to break free from this ever-rushing whirl of work? Is Universal Nature the sole arbiter of human destiny then or are we in some way empowered to work out our own salvation? Are we the doer of action or are we merely the instruments of Nature in her terrestrial functioning on the human plane? Do we have any duty or responsibility in our terrestrial lives if we are merely the agencies of Cosmic Work? All these are profound questions of momentous significance and affect the lives of all. Where shall we seek the answers to these? Patience my friends, the Book of Revelations is yet to unfold its pages, hang on.

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