Monday 7 April 2014


Karma is coexistent with the Cosmos. 'Anaadi srishty, ananta sristhy' is the Vedic pronouncement on creation and this is corroborated by certain modern scientific models of the Cosmos which claim that matter is being ever created and destroyed in the Universe in a cyclical process without beginning or end. Thus, the Universe is without beginning or end and so is then Karma. Again, the Multiverse Theory and The Membrane Concept also posits a model of an infinite number of universes, whatever 'infinite' may mean thereby. Even Friedmann's model of the Universe coming into being in the Big Bang, running for a while and then imploding to its doom in the Big Crunch for a fresh awakening in the coming cycle implies an eternity of the creative-preservative-destructive principle through unending cycles, and even this model of the Universe has been clearly spoken of in Vedic cosmology. Here also we see the infinitude of Cosmic cycles and hence, beginningless, endless Karma. Rationally speaking, it is naive to posit the question of the antiquity and origin of Karma when all of space-time is the handiwork of Karma as well as the manifestation of Karma. When Time owes its origin to Karma which implies that in a sense Karma 'predates' Time, how may one ever find the root of Karma in Time? The Vedic theory of the beginningless and endless nature of Cosmic Karmic cycles is thus eminently rational as also the theory that individual Karma appears in the ignorance of the nature of the Self and disappears in its very knowledge. Thus, Karma is beginningless and endless as it hangs in Maya which 'is' and 'is not' as also Karma's roots are impossible to trace except in the statement that it is the product of the soul's ignorance of its Selfhood and that Karma's destiny is its eventual annihilation in the knowledge of the Self. 

So, friends, there is much to cheer about as we now know that we are divine beings with the organic capacity to dispel the dark that hangs over us as a monsoon cloud and covers the effulgence of our Self. The wind of discrimination may right now release us from this age-old thraldom of Maya. And who will blow the 'wind'? Why, you yourself will raise such a storm of dispassion and renunciation that the cloud will dissolve in the shower of benediction and the flora of realisation will bless the parched earth.

To such a day my friends,
I send these lines tonight,
They'll waft through the starry skies
To welcome you with the light.

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