Monday 7 April 2014


The whole of the universe is throbbing with activity. Karma holds the universe in its absolute sway. Birth, life and death...creation, preservation and destruction, the trinity keeps the cosmos running in a perpetual cycle of renewal, the cosmic evolution. Beginningless, endless creation...anaadi srishty, ananta srishty. And all of it is held in Cosmic Karma. There is no way to avoid the performance of work for even the very avoidance entails the performance of work. Karma is unavoidable. Therefore, it is necessary to learn the science and, thence, the art of work, and this is the domain of Karma Yoga. In the absence of this knowledge, work binds the soul causing misery. Hence, the supreme importance of this Yoga.

Throughout history man has battled against brother man in his bid to evolve and this fratricidal struggle, so very Darwinian in character, has retarded human progress. What should have been a labour of love, this evolution of the civilised man at least, was reduced to a brutal struggle for the survival of the fittest, deluging the world over and over again in blood. These animal propensities are still active in man and threaten civilisation with extinction today. Thus, the knowledge of the principles of Karma is an imperative today on a global scale if wise action will lead us, thereby, to a world free of animosity and senseless violence. We, as a species, are sufficiently evolved today, I believe, to be able to comprehend this Philosophy of Work and thereby train ourselves to work harmoniously as an integrated human family, peacefully and efficiently towards a higher terrestrial evolutionary end. Knowledge is power and when power is tempered by wisdom, it is the progenitor of the greatest good. Come, let us learn the secrets of this grand science, KARMA YOGA.

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