Monday 7 April 2014


The whole of Nature is ever in motion. From the constant whirl of particles at the sub-atomic level to the stupendous motion of galaxies, everything in the universe seems to be relentlessly moving on towards some unknown destination, dragged on by a force invisible, call it gravity or God or whatever you like. The net result is that there is just no rest in the universe nor resting-place. Unceasing activity seems to be the hallmark of Nature and human life being a part of it is no exception to this rule.

However, at the level of higher sentience, it seems the rigour of work as it obtains in physical Nature undergoes a pronounced modification to facilitate evolution. Now, decision-making features as a free allowance offered to man that he may use to expedite his evolutionary process. The mathematical precision of determinate functioning of macroscopic Nature gives way to choices between multiple ends that the individual seems, so to say, free to adopt and proceed as also bear the consequences of. This sense of apparent freedom, though, is illusory and is born of the inability of the undiscerning soul to look behind for causes subtler than is apparent.

Be that as it may, it is a fact that we make our own choices within parametric bounds of society and situations. The action is ours and the result must be ours too. However, this flexibility as to the enactment of a deed suddenly disappears as the deed is done and rigorous laws of Nature become operative on the karma towards determining its result. In other words, our karma has been snatched away from us the moment it has undergone completion. By whom? Is there a higher power then in the universe than meets the eye that is the supreme arbiter of things? Is it that we are just the instruments of this universal force that chooses to get our act together and get things done by us? Is it then the doer of karma and not we who seem to do it? Are we just pawns then in the hands of a cosmic deity that fashions life out of things as it wills? The heart sinks at the idea but such a state of affairs is our everyday experience where we are reduced to puppets in the hands of forces beyond us.

Now, if we are merely the actors in this universal play of cosmic dreams, players enacting assigned roles under the direction on an invisible, inscrutable will, then it stands to reason to suppose that we are merely instruments of action and no more. We are not the doers of work then, merely the agencies of its execution, instruments in the hands of a higher power that freely disposes of its labour of love in this manner.

If this is the truth, and so the truth seems to be, then may it be affirmed that this cosmic deity, this universal governor of things, this source and dispenser of karma is our very Self's highest manifestation, the Ishwara seated in our heart, our nearest and dearest friend in life, our final repose in this and the a'fer life. And all work is but the attempt of the struggling soul to return to its source whence it had sprung into life and love of this beautiful universe, the primal poem, the pristine painting of the Divine.

So, work we must and work we will but in what manner? Detached, dispassionate, devoted work with all enthusiasm and energy, yet with total surrender of the fruits of work to the Divine. Perfect participation in the performance of karma and disciplined denial of authorship of it; perfection in the execution of work and perfect poise whatever be the outcome. This is the secret of work and this is KARMA YOGA.

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