Monday 7 April 2014


Three things are necessary for the attainment of Truth. They are a human birth, the desire to be free and the association of a realised soul. We are over seven billion strong here on earth, yet, how few are concerned about their spiritual well-being beyond the mundane necessities of life. Few awake to the truth that they are spirits and not bodies. Fewer still make any attempt to understand this pristine philosophy of the Vedas that is the rationale of the vision of the rishis (perfected seers of transcendental Truth). Of these only a handful earnestly attempt to realise the Truth and the rare one succeeds in scaling the summit of realisation. All are baffled, deluded by Maya as She holds the souls in Her hypnotic gaze, fascinated fools oblivious of self-identity. She, the Mother of vidya (supersensuous knowledge) and avidya (cosmic nescience) will have to be propitiated if one is to attain freedom. Thus, even the great advaitist (non-dualist) Adi Shankaracharya had instituted the worship of the Divine Mother as an imperative to obtaining Her grace without which the knowledge of Brahman is not possible.
This is the classic harmony of bhakti yoga and jnana yoga and clearly demonstrates that these divisions of yoga are more for ease of study rather than actual partitions in Nature. They diverge, overlap and eventually commingle and coalesce into the integrated yoga, the symphony of the soul, the harmony of the cosmic Mother-heart wherein are strung the skulls of the skeletal past, the syllabic beads of creation from the alpha to the omega manifesting in cadences primordial, tending to the ends of times. And all this universal worship is but the prelude to the self-discovery of the soul, the preface to the great act, the revelation of the Self. And every progression in this divine drama, this cosmic play is but the handiwork of universal karma, the interplay of the gunas (attributes/elements) that the aspiring soul has to wage war on and vanquish if he is to escape from the thraldom of Maya. And how does he go about achieving this conquest of universal Nature? Detachment in work --- karma yoga.

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