The Avatar is the descent of the Divine in the human form to set up communication links on the plane of human-vibration that fallen man may rise from his degenerated state of sense-existence to his ethereal state of divinity. Arguments have been posited that God could, if He so wished, have saved humanity from destruction from within the heart of man as the Antaryami (the inner controller) and He need not have gone through the entire human cycle of birth, growth and death in order to fulfil His end of spiritual regeneration of human society. This is a fractional view of things and is not a very perceptive one, scientifically speaking, for the Divine Will is not subject to the limits of human rational considerations and is utterly free to act in any manner that It chooses. It is smoothest to manifest a human body to help humans for Nature follows the line of least resistance. The Divine has no compulsion to please pseudo-rationalists or surface scientists whose insight into the higher workings of Nature is blinded by egoistic self-assertions and who care never to study the scriptures in depth and attempt in all holiness to realise their import. The Divine rules Maya. Thus, is He the Mayadheesh (ruler of Maya). Does the Divine take human help to create, maintain or destroy the universe? Therefore, there is nothing that binds Him to not manifest a human form for furthering the evolutionary cause for, after all, He is free of all law, being omnipotent and self-directed.
On the plane of human-vibration is the drama of terrestrial human existence being played. Is it not, therefore, more rational to expect any adjustment of the forces that govern the human plane as coming from a supremely endowed human being who is involved in the play rather than from some extraterrestrial being with magical powers or some mysterious inner force who the protagonists of the Antaryami Theory for convenience for the while dub as the Antaryami? The simpler the model, the more acceptable it is, so science says. The Avatar Theory then is the simplest of these aforesaid theories and may, perhaps, be accepted as the easiest solution to this knotty problem. For the while, then, let us repose 'a bit of gentlemanly faith' in the Avatar and study His attributes, motivations and deeds. Let finer arguments rest awhile and devotion speak the language of love.
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