Tuesday 8 April 2014


Now there naturally arises a question whether man elevated certain extraordinarily endowed Rishis to the status of the Personal God embodied in the human frame or whether the Personal God in truth had embodied Himself as such. These are momentous questions to which I have no answer but I leave it to the discerning reader's judgement to decide on the basis of scriptural authority. At any rate the Hindu ideal of Godhead does not suffer in either case for it is based on the loftiest principle of the Impersonal Brahman that far transcends any dualistic deliberation or debate.

The Avatar was from Puranic times then accepted as the zenith of spiritual perfection and the ultimate ideal for man to worship. He was the living proof of the philosophical principles expounded in the Vedas and was its highest personalised ideal. The lustre of his being was such that thousands got drawn into its ambit with perceptions altered and lives transformed, nay, deified. These fortunate ones followed the spiritual Master and generations of such devoted following firmly established these Masters as the Avatars of the Age.

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