Sunday 3 February 2019



This world drifts on the sea of delusion but there is a higher control that governs it all, unseen. The act is but the outermost manifestation of this subtle force working out things. The players play out their roles following an imperceptible deeper direction from within as the resolution of forces creates the drama of terrestrial existence. Spontaneity works its wonders as fools rush in where angels fear to tread.

It all seems so confused in the ensuing conflict but such a reading is consequent on biological involvement and its repercussions and not essentially an inharmonious occurrence. Chaos is as much a part of existence as harmony is and this needs to be noted in the dual form of the Divine Mother Kali that symbolises the coexistence of the opposites of life in Her integrated singular form.

This fact was realised by Swami Vivekananda in Kashmir when he envisioned the Mother in Her terrible aspect and swooned in consequence, first, in the body in the houseboat, and then, psychologically, forever at Her terrible trampling feet crushing the life out of things that She had once breathed into them.

This then is Maya, the eternal conflict, the dialectical movement of evolution in cyclical patterns, ceaseless, unending, in peace and in war, in conflict and in cooperation in an obscure coherence that is beyond comprehension for ordinary mortals but comes clear to the one that has dared the doors of death in its rightful articulation.

Written by Sugata Bose

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