In the realm of the unreal to seek the Real is foolish and, yet, within the unreal lies the Real to seek which sages have plumbed the depths of their selves to discover the real Self.
This Self is the Atman in the embodied being and transcending it. This Self is the Brahman that is the background of this universe and of countless such universes which science attempts to venture into. This Atman is the Brahman and is the Void, the Shunya of the Buddha's enlightenment, and this Atman is the Whole, the Poorna of the Vedas.
This Atman is the ground of all of sentience, the democratic basis of life where all ends meet and all conflict ceases. It is this Atman whose pursuit constitutes the evolutionary drive followed by its reverse cyclical involution unto perfection in freedom.
This Atman is ever being lived through, touched, caressed, yet, subtler than the subtlest that it is, it remains seemingly beyond the bounds of ordinary reach. It is this Atman that you are, that I am, that we all are, one without a second, integrated, undivided, singular, self-brooding, infinite existential consciousness whose shadow looms large as this variegated display of name and form called the Cosmos.
Phenomena subsist in the Self as the Self apparently projects phenomena. But in essence this is all verbal gibberish, the inexplicable dance of the Divine on the prostrate form of the substratum of it all, Kali in ecstasy, delirious in delight over the frozen form of Her Lord lying in His Self-conscious field. It is inexpressible, inexplicable, the unutterable essence of Truth in its manifold manifestation and absolute nothingness.
Written by Sugata Bose
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