Tuesday 3 April 2018


It is irresponsible to defer today's work to the morrow for the morrow may never be. We have but the precious present to act in and alter our fate that otherwise is destined to consume us all. Shall we fail? Then perish we will all when the dust of desire will have given rise to the tempest out there in the raging sea that is the human thoroughfare and human monstrosity taking possession of all that is good and beautiful will pervert all for its perfidious designs and reduce us to the dust whence we have sprung.

But it will not be a returning to roots but a grinding to imminent extinction. Is that what we have ever aspired for as citizens of the world, this annihilation of our species and with it the extinction of life itself on earth? Is this the endpoint of our civilisation that we have eventually reached where our knowledge has become the tool for our self-destruction? Must we still sleep imagining the gracious intervention of some vain god or goddess by way of saving civilisation? If so, then wash I my hands of such callous company that revels in puerile merrymaking while millions go to the gates of hell in the name of daily survival in a forest of human brutes where love there is none and trade penetrates every human relation.

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