Saturday, 14 April 2018


A day passes and not a stir in enthusiastic celebration of it. Moirang, a forgotten chapter in Indian history, not because of Nehru alone but because we are a tamasic lot chasing only sensuous dreams of low self-fulfilment.

Whither the martyrs to the motherland? Time for you to rescue your mother from these debilitated children of hers and set her up high and mighty in the comity of nations. The ones that are alive today are only busy merry-making or in appropriating the resources of the country and reducing a billion hapless ones to abject penury. The rest are immersed in indolent self-approval and passing the responsibility of nation-making to the politicians who are the worst breed of humanity today.

How can a people that lazes and weaves idle dreams or, perhaps, not even that, ever hope to attain to national fulfilment? My heroes of the past, arise once more from the womb of eternity and marshal these disparate elements that form the body politic of the nation into a cohesive unit grounded in patriotism and the will to sacrifice their all for the motherland. Thus shall Moirang once more symbolically sound the death-knell of all perfidious designs that yet threaten to annihilate the future prospects of this great nation. Jai Hind! 

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