Monday, 23 April 2018


Sugata Bose India will not rise to her feet till she rejects the legacy of Gandhi-Nehru and accepts that of Swamiji-Netaji.Taj Sardar Well said and so true... And it is possible, Unfortunately sometimes we can not distinguish the certain nuance between political activism and social activism.Sugata Bose You are so right. The overlapping zones confuse us about the difference in fundamental intent of these two modes of aspired social change. A like reference could be made to water being in milk and milk being in water. Although, both are mixtures and solutions at that, the two differ so much in content and concentration of components and with their consequential effect on absorption and assimilation. @Taj SardarRN Singh Sorry ...I don't agree with be you at all ...India has risen to it's glory because of Gandhi and is people like you ..who for their self interest and personal agenda and glorification are bringing this beautiful country down...stop spreading hatredSugata Bose Truth is often unpalatable. So, better improve your digestive system before complaining the way you do. At any rate, all are not expected to follow the valorous ones like Swamiji and Netaji, and it is these pretentious ones that have ruined and are ruining India's prospects instead of genuine patriots like us. Weaklings will ever follow weak leaders like Gandhi and Nehru who have worked unwittingly and wittingly against our motherland's brightest interests.Abhishek Sanyal Dear Sugata Babu,I thank you Sugata Babu from the core of my heart for your blessings. It is really encouraging. I would like to let you know that my family too had been involved in the freedom movement. My mother's grandfather was the lawyer in defence to Shahid Khudiram Bose in the case where he was convicted and given death sentence. You will perhaps find the name of Sri Nagendralal Lahiri who was my mother's grandfather in the biography of Shahid Khudiram . Shahid Khudiram was a minor at that time and in no way he could have been given a death sentence. Nagendralal Lahiri had established that fact very well in the trial.However, it was a British conspiracy with a fake medical report that declared Khudiram not to be a minor. This paved the way for his death sentence. Nagendralal Lahiri who was a well established advocate in the town of Rangpur (now in Bangladesh) at that time was very shocked at this trial decision an he had left his legal profession after this. One of the sons of Nagendralal Lahiri named Sri Bishwanath Lahiri who is my mother's direct uncle too had joined the Bengal Volunteers Movement and served in jail for a major part of his youthful life. His academical career in engineering was finished forever because of this. However these people never compromised with what they felt was wrong. On my father's side too one of his ancestors Sri Kanailal Sanyal was involved in the freedom movement. He was killed in an incident of treachury by his own commrade Naren Gosai who had worked as an agent of the British. Yes, I love my country and feel proud of my ancestorial heritage. It is the contribution of all these people that what we are today. These genes will indeed be carried forward. "If you feel that something is wrong then never compromise with it." This is true essence of their ideology may whatever their paths be. In today's India inspite of all the progresses we have made corruption remains the major problem. Be it in politics or be it in any field. We have not become independent from it. That is the greatest freedom movement of the present generation. Young minds with good education and proper inquisitiveness and eagerness to know can only carry this work forward. Whatever may be their method of approach that is not the issue but the essence should be to try to free from the corruption of mind and create an atmosphere where the mind will be without fear and our heads will be held high.Yours TrulyAbhishek SanyalSugata Bose Abhishek, you must post this piece on NETAJI group. Khudiram's being a minor and hanged through deceit must be communicated to the people. Begin here on this group. I have added you there.Abhishek Sanyal Sugata Bose Yes, it is true and I thought that perhaps most of the people knew about this fact. I will surely write about this with proper literature.Aranibhas Gupta শ্যামাজীর অবস্হানটাও বলুন।Aranibhas Gupta আগে থেকে ধারনা করে পড়তে শুরু করলে, নতুন জিনিষ জানা যায়না, কোন সিদ্ধান্তে আসাও যায়না। সবচেয়ে ভালো, ইতিহাসটা পড়ে নিয়ে সিদ্ধান্তে আসা। কোনটা নিরপেক্ষ ইতিহাস সেটাও নিজের বিচার করতে হয়। আমাদের পাঠ্য রচয়িতারা যে ইতিহাস লিখে গেছেন, তার সঙ্গে সশস্ত্র বিপ্লবীদের জীবনীর কোন মিল নেই। বইগুলোতো আর সব হারিয়ে যায়নি। এখনো কিছু অবশিষ্ট আছে আমাদের জানার জন্য।Sugata Bose Right you are, Aranibhas Babu. Preconceptions are the seed-bed of prejudice and persistence in holding on to established narratives in the brain. They neither allow fresh discovery nor readjustment of 'ideas and opinions' for broadening of view and approximating more to truth. Fanaticism is the extreme version of this refusal to learn and this settled conviction in a particular narrative of an episode or a principle, which has been the bane of human civilisation. It is, therefore, imperative that we take it upon ourselves to know more, communicate what we know and keep ourselves open to knowledge coming in from all quarters, for, as our scriptures say, knowledge coming even from one who is lower down in the social hierarchy must be reverentially accepted and absorbed. Only then does civilisation flourish. Knowing this to be true then, we should be patient in lending our ears to civilised criticism and decent in giving our rejoinder thereof. Bande Mataram!Aranibhas Gupta Sugata Bose ধন্যবাদ। ইতিহাসের সঠিক তথ্যটা হলো জিন্না, শ্যামাজী আর ডাঙ্গে কোনদিন জেলে যাননি।Sugata Bose Thank you, Utpal Babu, for this highly informative post written in lucid language with great movement and flow which has effectively captured the dynamic flow of events as they had then happened. A wonderful piece of writing.

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