Wednesday 18 April 2018


Netaji was far superior to Gandhi in every possible way and is truly the liberator of India. We ought to rewrite our history and resurrect our heroes, the revolutionaries of the freedom struggle, from the oblivion into which the Gandhi-Nehru combine in direct and indirect alliance with the Anglo-American powers have cast them. It is shame, indeed, that so many of our spineless intellectuals and pretenders to knowledge have conspired with these perfidious powers to drive home into the psychology of the Indian masses that freedom was but the handiwork of the 'Mahatma' and his 'merciful methods'. Hired historians of the political dispensations since the Transfer of Power in 1947 have spun the web of historical heresies over the minds and souls of the populace, effectively hypnotising them into believing the governmental narrative of the freedom struggle which is the biggest lie ever concocted in this land of perennial truth.
... to be serialised

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