Saturday, 28 April 2018


1. Nehru's family living in palace and Nazrul and his family living in less than decent quarters. Ah, what an independence!

2. It is double standard, wholehearted hypocrisy to preach non-violence as the core doctrine of the Bhagavad Geeta.

3. Must I seek to preserve myself by letting another perish for me? Never. And, yet, this is the dominant theme of the times.

4. There can be no enjoyment we may indulge in when we see millions sinking all around in destitution and despair.

5. An honourable death is worth more than a life of servile misery. Die we must, then let us die valorous souls for the motherland.

6. People of the Indian sub-continent, unite! Do not accept Partition as a settled fact of history. Mentally repeat, ''We are one.''

7. My sisters and brothers across the undivided India of my dreams, I love you all so much. Give up all other pursuits and unite!

8. No good can come to our nation unless we understand that we are not yet a nation. We must undo the Partition to become one.

9. In spirit we must first unite before in polity we are one.

10. Sorry for deleting the live audio recording. It has come out horribly on replay. I did not sing it like that. Hence...

11. The toothless non-violent movement debilitated our people for good and robbed them of the manhood required for nation-building.

12. This constant false imposition of Netaji's familial connection on me is a form of blatant fanaticism, far removed from patriotism.

13. The Bharat Ratna Petition has now been expanded to include Rash Behari Bose, Masterda Surya Sen and Bagha Jatin. Please support.

14. ''History is written by those who have hanged heroes.'' --- Mel Gibson in 'Braveheart'

15. Help the Petition for Bharat Ratna for Rash Behari Bose, Masterda Surya Sen and Bagha Jatin move by signing it, sharing it and spreading awareness about it.

16. We do not need verbal encouragement in the form of comments. We need concrete work, signatures, sharing of the Petition post etc.

17. Devotion to the Guru must be such that it spontaneously makes one blissful.

18. Insincerity in spiritual practice is the root cause of insincerity elsewhere and inevitably leads to the corrosion of character.

19. Mock meekness may masquerade as modesty but is essentially a debilitating disease that thrives on deception.

20. Followers of the revolutionaries, first straighten your spines before professing patriotism. Love for the nation needs sterling character to stand on.

21. Felt in a dream the cold hands of death, of a loving Mother holding me at the scaffold for an act of patriotism.

22. Where did the Indian police officers go in independent India, those that as servants of the Raj had tortured our revolutionaries?

23. Britain and the West now criticise China for gagging the Press. What did Britain do here after committing the Jallianwala massacre?

24. Pardon me but I can scarce tolerate the crooks who have made Netaji their business venture. Their very voice nauseates me.

25. The kingdom of matter is the domain of the Devil. The realm of the Spirit lies far beyond. Betwixt the twain lies humanity.

26. Wave-like undulation goes on through history in irregular patterns. We are on the rise now.

27. If God is intolerant, how can man be otherwise unless he dethrones his 'Maker'?

28. Communal ill-will cannot be wished away and must be traced to its scriptural roots. Intolerance is core to absolutist faiths.

29. Brainwashing children into scriptural submission is a severe retarding force. Spare the flower-buds. Let them bloom.

30. Allow a generation to grow up in the light of love and reason free of scriptural submission and see what a wonderful change comes.

31. We must never forget colonial atrocity nor forgive the looting of our land and our eventual Partition. Karma will recoil on England.

32. The British expose the Nazis for their atrocities in every possible way. It is time they tell their own tale of colonial atrocity.

33. Hitler is a hated man but is Churchill much better? Should he be forgiven for his Bengal crimes, the Famine of '43?

34. Hitler killed 6 million Jews and Churchill over 5 million Bengalis. Is the former is the Devil incarnate, what is the latter?

35. List of killings : Hitler-6 million Jews; Churchill-5 million Bengalis; Stalin-7 million Ukranians. Now love whom?

36. Do not drag culture down to create social equality. Rather, try and raise all to a semblance of culture for real equality.

37. Preach not personalities to your children, teach them principles. Live the life that they may imbibe.

38. To love is to serve, to serve, love.

39. The Sanatan Dharma is original and indestructible. Its spread will lead to human emancipation everywhere.

40. Massive human body loss has been the price of civilisation. Billions have died to build this 'Hanging Gardens of Babylon'.

41. The British sacked the RIN mutineers in 1946. Why did Nehru not reinstate them in 1947 once India became independent?

42. Practicality is good, not overmuch of it. It makes a man prosaic, robs the poetry of life.

43. The Primal Power must be offered 'original food'. Food contaminated by earlier offering elsewhere will be rejected at Source.

44. Life is a dance in water till we sink. And then we bubble again to renew the act evermore till tranquil lies the  sea.

45. This body and mind must be lost before the Self reveals.

46. Nazrul must be studied in depth to understand the revolutionary movements of the 3rd, 4th and 5th decades of 20th century dependent India.

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