Sunday 22 April 2018


I feel delighted to read your perceptive comments on my posts, although, more often than not, I am at variance with some segments of them on account of my different location in phenomenal reality and perspective thereof. We are all seeing the same Brahman through the tinted glasses of Maya, each according to his own chromatic choice of them. Your youthful vigour tempered with classical civilisation of approach, rational caution in judgement, catholicity of comprehension, exquisite expression in literary terms, erudition shorn of all pretension to knowledge but fraught with the effort at gleaning available data on a subject and, above all, an overall bearing redolent of all that is best in the Indian tradition of synthesis and harmony endears you to me and I look forward to your blossoming into a fragrant flower whose fulfilment shall be in the diffusion of aroma all around. May God grant you hope, health, happiness and that supreme sense of high idealism that makes a man into the Lord's likeness and a blessing unto his benighted brethren! @ Abhishek Sanyal

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