Sunday, 29 April 2018


I can full well understand the sentiment of many ardent patriots that Rash Behari Bose being of a far superior status as a freedom fighter than Gandhi, Nehru, Patel and the rest of the Gandhians, the very petition we have filed for the conferring of Bharat Ratna on him is in their eyes a profane act tantamount to denigration of his iconic status as the supreme hero of armed revolution for India's freedom along with Bagha Jatin, Masterda Surya Sen and the like. While I fully appreciate their concern for preserving the sanctity of these sacrificial souls at the altar of the motherland's freedom, I cannot but solicit their support for the cause, nonetheless, as otherwise, these heroes will be forgotten by future generations in the absence of their proper mention in both history books and in governmental records of honours and offices held.

It is purely from the perspective of bringing to the fore once more the seminal contributions of these heroes and martyrs that we have ventured into this arduous task, a labour of sublime love, though, for we full well know how much opposed the political dispensation at the helm of affairs in this country is to these 'choice and master spirits of the Age'. Our hearts' reverence forces us to make this attempt to do some semblance of justice to the memory of the martyrs and the revolutionaries in this manner. We are convinced that the very movement and its eventual victory will create a gigantic stir in the country and across the globe, wherever Indians have made their habitat, and in the very enthusiasm thus generated, study and research on their lives will kindle interest afresh in the saga of the armed revolution for freedom, setting the distorted narrative of the freedom struggle right. We, therefore, seek your blessings and your wholehearted support in this mighty endeavour. Bande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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