Thursday, 12 April 2018


Our country is one and must be allowed to remain so. Communal politics has in the past divided us and may do so again if our politicians and industrialists aiding them do not stop playing dirty vote-bank politics and the citizens keep watching helplessly as if the time to rise up in collective protest has not yet arrived.

A nation that does not learn its lessons from history eventually pays a heavy price for such a folly. That we suffered Partition in 1947 does not seem to have sunk into our psyche for us to rise up in arms against those politicians who have perverted the national discourse over the last seven decades and held our nation to ransom which, with added polarisation of late, threatens the very fabric of the democratic set-up of the polity. It is high time to wake up, for the dawn of the awakening sun is already over and the sun shines scorching on the sufferers of their hapless fate every hour till the high noon of perfidy will set the country ablaze.

Ours is a nation in the process of being remade from the ashes of its colonial past. A vast polity of mind-boggling divergences can never hope to be made homogeneous under the garb of any colour or faith or ideology. Differences will exist superficially but the underlying unity of our people must never be lost sight of. From a common centre rays diverge against the force of gravity and they necessarily return to the central focus in the reverse phase of their homecoming. Such are the dynamics of human relations as well, the fact being complicated even more by uneven resource distribution on earth, geographical, physical as well as psychological and the unequal evolution of different segments of the human species. To top it all, the human body is so delicate, so very fragile that man, having mastered the easy art of destruction of the body, is ever intent through his horrible misdeeds on wiping out adversarial forces here on earth where the struggle for survival is strangely on. So, it does not need a great deal of evolution as a group or a race to decimate another group or race. Rather, history bears ample testimony to savage races ruining civilisation by the sheer power of barbarism backed by fanatical zeal and monumental ignorance of the higher principles of life and living. Such has been the asymmetric development of races across the face of the earth that peace has never been constant on earth for any appreciable length of time and war has been the most common feature for humanity for millenia. This narrative must now change in the wake of advancing knowledge in scientific theory and practice and the progressive spread of literacy throughout the world. Humanity must prevail as enlightenment comes through education worldwide. But will it? This is the moot question.

There are serious considerations of culture to be made before hazards a hasty conclusion. The asymmetric development of the human species in its various segments has throughout history led to cultural conflicts with the technologically more advanced enslaving the weaker sections of humanity. The scene today is no different. The technologically advanced nations of the world are using their scientific might to subjugate less advanced nations and sucking them dry of resources in the most sophisticated way such that the hapless exploited nations are not even aware much of the perfidy perpetrated against them. This is neocolonialism and deception by the combined might of the detonator and the dollar.       

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