Friday 27 April 2018


The movement on Rash Behari Bose needs steam. Come along, my countrymen, and support the cause. Mass participation is the call of the hour. Sign the Petition, share and spread the message as wide and as deep as you can.
Rash Behari Bose engineered two revolutions for freedom in the two World Wars. The first one was the aborted Ghadar Revolution in 1915 during the course of the First World War and the second one which was spearheaded by Netaji in the Second World War which eventually led to freedom.
The leaders will not help.
So, I appeal to you, O people of India, to redress this pernicious situation that is trying to erase the very memory of the revolutionaries and the martyrs to freedom, and help raise the edifice of liberty as it ought to be through the due recognition of their supreme sacrifice and seminal contribution to the emancipation of their motherland from colonial consequences. I exhort you once more to show your might in supporting the cause for the one who gave his everything for your happiness and freedom.
Bande Mataram! Jai Hind!

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