Saturday, 14 April 2018


The country's silence on Moirang Day in utter ignorance of it or apathy for it stupefies me. What a mass unawareness! Not only that. The vast mass of people are totally unbothered even when they get to know about the significance of this day. And, yet, there is such a pretension of devotion to the Divine and patriotism merely in word, and oftentimes, not even that. A mass of material culture has consumed all, blinding them to the higher imperatives of life and reducing the citizenry to a mass of servile non-entities who merely live to lie and lie to live. Few are truly concerned about national welfare and fewer still take it upon themselves to delve into the history of our freedom struggle whence they may emerge fuller human beings with a mission to serve the motherland and, so, fulfilling the dreams and aspirations of the martyrs to her freedom.
Freedom is taken for as granted and the people think that it is their birthright to enjoy it but not their duty to sacrifice for its preservation. Why should they after all? Is not the government there to do everything for them? After all, are they not paying their taxes free and fair? Ought it not to mean that they are thereby absolved of all responsibility towards the upkeep of the nation, its heritage and history? Are they now not supposed to merely 'eat, drink and make merry for tomorrow they die'? Why should they sacrifice anything beyond what the corrupt government is making them perforce to do? Their life is for enjoyment even if that means the ruination of the country. They always have the excuse, after all, of having been honest taxpayers and sufferers at the hands of politicians, businessmen and other nefarious elements except honest people like them. So, stop telling them that they are weaklings. Who are you to tell them so? What are your credentials after all? Are you Swami Vivekananda that you take people to task?
Well, my friends, this is the sad state of pseudo-spirituality and mock-devotion in our blessed motherland today. I have written in distaste and disgust enough for you to reflect on. It has been a waste of the blood spilled from the arteries of our best breed of humanity in the revolutionary struggle for freedom. Khudiram, Bhagat Singh, Masterda, Bagha Jatin, Rasbehari Bose, Netaji and countless others cry in the desert sand of our national life while the perfidious ones who benefited from their sacrifice to loot pelf and power continue to reign and these unconcerned siblings of theirs in an equal and unequal perfidy maintain their devoted silence in matters of national consequence. Sorry, Netaji, we have let you down and let you down badly!
Jai Hind!

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