Saturday 14 April 2018


Even the soldier was being SEDUCED? A very objectionable word used, perhaps unwittingly, out of alliterated affinity (Mark, 'soldier', 'was', 'seduced'). It does not become Dr. Ambedkar, a man of letters, well to say so. Erudite that he was, he ought to have known the language in which he was speaking better, or, perhaps, his erudition did not include linguistic literacy to that level of high efficiency. However, we are thankful for his forthright avowal that Netaji and his INA assault was the principal reason why the British left India. The British, so far convinced of their invincibility in combat with freedom fighters in India, thanks to the loyalty of the British Indian forces they enjoyed thus far, now turned around to see their ship sinking as Netaji inspired their own soldiers but Indian by birth to revolt against their colonial masters and fight for the motherland's independence. Dr. Ambedkar has here laid bare that much concealed historical truth and done the nation and world history a great service.
Foreword written by Sugata Bose

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