Wednesday, 18 April 2018


Such single-minded focus, such burning zeal for the liberation of one's motherland, such moral altitude, such courage of conviction in pursuing the liberation dream has, perhaps, never been witnessed in the annals of world history. Netaji remains the preeminent patriot, the personification of 'The Song Celestial', the soul of our nation pulsating with the possibilities of a million melodies despite the heresies of the times that have threatened to obliterate his very existence from mass memory. His was a soul that had caught the fire of Vivekananda which consumed him so completely that in the course of its career it transformed him into a mighty conflagration that burnt to ashes the citadels of colonial power and liberated suppressed humanity everywhere. Such was the global significance of a world-mover whose very mention sent shudders through the corridors of British imperialism, compelling them to reckon him 'Enemy no.1' of the Empire, but whose very memory now lies in tatters in his beloved motherland, thanks to the combination of perfidious political forces and mass ignorance that have marked the movement of India from dependence to conditioned self-governance amid the hush of concealed treaties and agreements dubbed the Transfer of Power, 1947.

We are a nation, indeed, of imbeciles clinging to the colonial hangover while our politicians, perverse and pernicious, loot us dry of the last vestiges of national self-respect by pandering to the vanities of the Anglo-Americans which effectively means foisting on the nation a false narrative of the freedom struggle to rob it of its manhood even as the Mahatma had so eminently done it during the course of his protracted reign as unofficial Congress dictator from 1919-1947. A nation born in the murder of its mother and bred in loot, lies and licentiousness as its most eminent 'non-violent' practitioners of leadership were the epitome of, can scarce rise to manhood ever again unless it wholesale rejects this mass of untruth masquerading as messianic truth in the Mahatma and his malicious Anglophile protege who sowed the seeds of national downfall even at its very birth.

The Mahatma conspired against Bose, and his followers sang the same tune in chorus as India's chance of self-recovery was set ablaze in the flames lit nationwide by this mockery of a man whose whims and fancies kept the pendulum of the nation's fate oscillating from one dubious end to another. The suspension of the mass movement after Chauri Chaura, 1922, was but the first instance of fickleness lending morality to a man, devoid of it at any rate, and plunging the nation's hopes and aspirations for good, all of which came into comprehension decades later when India got surgically dismembered on attaining Dominion Status in 1947 instead of absolute and inviolable freedom. The Mahatma's caprices continued and bordered on soft dictatorship but with telling effect on a debilitated people that cost them loss of lives by the millions, loss of landmass and loss of character and self-esteem that weakness inevitably brings in its wake.

... to be serialised      

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