Tuesday 17 April 2018


He was level-headed, calm and collected, ever in repose, never losing poise, yet, immersed in the thick of feverish activity from dawn to well past midnight and then from dawn again, day after day, year after year. Such balance of judgement, exquisite etiquette, dignity and efficiency in both work and renunciation of it is a rare enough combination in a person, and, to top it all, that vast wonderful heart that bled for the sick and the dying for twenty seven long years of his life at the Seva Pratishthan and which eventually inspired him to give up his life in absorbing the negative karma of 142,241 disciples of his in the act of spiritually initiating them, truly set him apart as a monk extraordinaire, a preceptor nonpareil and a man in the mould of what Vivekananda had envisioned future humanity in its finest element would be. Swami Gahanananda was, to use the epithet Isherwood used to describe Ramakrishna, a phenomenon indeed.

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