Friday 27 April 2018


When I see such a paltry participation in the Petition Project for Rash Behari Bose, I feel a profound sense of sorrow. This lack of concern for anything which is beyond our immediate selfish demands from life is what has become the dominant narrative of my countrymen and it is this narrow self-concern in both leaders and the common man that needs to be redressed before all such pretensions about the resurrection of the true history of our freedom struggle may be even contemplated, far less realised. Till then it is mere shop-keeping in the name of Netaji and the revolutionaries that is going on now, especially by the political aspirants to self-glory. However, this will not deter some of us who are committed to the cause to persist in this struggle and we will continue to labour in love, despite terrible non-cooperation by the leaders in a la Gandhi style, to realise our dream which is far removed from anything the politicians are touting about. May the revolutionaries and not the pretenders to patriotism bless us is my earnest prayer to their undying spirits!

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