Wednesday 4 April 2018


1. Every moment that passes must be spent in the service of all, every pulsation of the heart feel the pain of my benighted brethren.

2. Stone-hearts can never perceive the God who is immanent in man. They perforce must make a Maker who is an extra-cosmic authority.

3. Simplicity yields a fresher fruit in life, elevates the soul and closes in to perfection in freedom.

4. I am never busy nor have I ever been, for I am ever employed.

5. We must practise patience if we diligently want to pursue perfection in any field of human endeavour.

6. The call of duty in our own lives must not make us forget our greater duty to the nation and to humanity at large.

7. Love is a greater calling than duty. Let our duties be suffused with supernal love, our obligations rendered a free giving.

8. Is there a duty we bear to the people of India? Why? yes. Ours is to live for them who daily die to provide for us.

9. The stars uncountable shine on us out of their bounty, receiving nothing in return. So, may our actions bountiful be, heedless of return!

10. If life must end, let it end now while the full moon still shines and the scented breeze carries afar the spirit that soars to heavenly heights.

11. Let the Holy Name cascade through the form. Let the breath of God rise through the 'sushumna', awakening centres as it ascends.

12. Let every moment be a loving remembrance of the Lord. Who else is there for us to love whose love is selfless?

13. Music, the love of my life, the companion of my soul, my solace, my succour, my everything!

14. Faith in a personal God to the point of servility invariably weakens the individual and stifles independent thinking.

15. Alas, so few truly love Netaji or Swamiji! Most merely vouch that they do so but few live to realise their ideals, their dreams of a renascent world order.

16. Uniformity has been tried many times in the past but has invariably failed due to the essential variegation of the world.

17. Did Netaji die in a Soviet prison as claimed by some? What do scholars say? Let a healthy debate bring facts to the fore.

18. Let contrary opinion on Netaji's disappearance enliven the debate and help through collision of data bring the truth out.

19. We talk a lot. What we need is seriousness, belief in what we say and more of action to back up words. Mere talk is fruitless.

20. What a debasing of the human spirit for the silly things of life! What a folly in living!

21. Be self-dependent. That is the soul of spirituality.

22. Religion divides, dharma unites. Religion is founded in faith, dharma is established in realisation.

23. The worshipper is truer than the worshipped for it is he who conceives and creates his ideal and breathes life into it.

24. The apparent is all that we know of, for the real eludes understanding even as the seer sees all save himself. Hence, the stress in Indian dharma traditions for the knowledge immediate (aparokshaanubhuti), that is, without the refracting trinity of the perceiver, the perceived and the act of perception deflecting knowledge from source and, so, distorting it.

25. It is the heart that moves a nation to rise in defence of the defenceless and this is dharma.

26. Where is justice in this world of a million maladies? Where is hope, whither humanity?

27. Where are we headed for as a nation? Which blind lane are we mistaking for the royal avenue of God?

28. If you truly love Netaji, read thoroughly the books written by him and about him, one and all. Then demand justice in full swing.

29. It is spiritual to be patriotic and patriotic to be spiritual too.

30. The Supreme Commander of the Indian National Army has not been honoured by his countrymen. They must do so now. Long live Netaji!

31. Coherence in setting before the public facts of Netaji's demise/disappearance/reappearance/survival till date necessary.

32. It is Moirang Day. Remember 14 April, 1944 when Col.Shaukat Ali Malik hoisted the INA Flag on liberated India here?

33. The country's silence on Moirang Day in utter ignorance of it or apathy for it stupefies me. What a mass unawareness!

34. I refuse to call Netaji the fruition of Swamiji. He was independently a great man despite his avowed allegiance to Swamiji.

35. Patriots are martyred for the rich to loot and the people to suffer. Such has been the sad state of our motherland.

36. May we have a rational discussion and debate here on Netaji's disappearance instead of wild unsubstantiated assertions?

37. In our bid to pay tribute to Netaji and the INA we so often forget the seminal role played by Rashbehari Bose in the same movement.

38. My love to my countrymen, my labour at your service. My sisters and brothers, accept my 'Shubha Nababarsha'.

39. Netaji cannot be served with a selfish motivation impelling one. The selfless alone can serve this supremely selfless soul.

40. The greatest treachery of the freedom struggle was engineered by Gandhi at Tripuri and it is time the country awakes to it.

41. Gandhi's treachery at Tripuri sidelined Bose and sealed the fate of our country for good. Betrayal of our motherland began that day.

42. How is it that we as a nation take the disappearance of our greatest patriot lying down? Must we not rock up the powers that be?

43. The worst crime that Nehru did was that he toed the line of Mountbatten to ban the INA soldiers from joining the Indian Army.

44. Bengal has let down Netaji in a big way by following 1. Gandhi 2. Nehru 3. Marx 4. the frivolities of life.

45. How on earth did Gandhi remain a Mahatma anymore after he plotted the undemocratic ouster of Congress President Bose at Tripuri?

46. Bose was ever ahead of his adversaries in planning his next series of moves and, hence, he could outmanoeuvre them to get to his goal.

47. Unselfishness is spirituality, and not the Declaration of the Charter of the Ego.

48. Give up factionalism and work unitedly for the good of the country. Your petty self-interest and inflated ego serves no purpose.

49. Mother cannot be fooled with pretence of piety. It must show up in deeds divine free of fear, fraught with love, selfless, sublime.

50. Netaji was the exemplar of what a true devotee of Swamiji ought to be -- selfless, fearless, brilliant liberator of humanity.

51. Poetry has taken to flight tonight as the pangs of hunger run riot to rhythm. This is but the poem of life.

52. Falsity scores its points in the first few rounds of this boxing bout of life but truth delivers at last its knock-out punch.

53. Netaji broke the backbone of imperialism and colonialism in the world by effectively destroying its British bastion in India.

54. Catching the pulse of the nation as Gandhi did and guiding it to its good are two different things altogether. Here the Mahatma floundered.

55. Will the blood of the martyrs spilled in the liberation of the land go in vain? I await your response.

56. Idle people like me have time to write on timeline, not busy men who must be catered to but will never respond in turn. Jai Hind!

57. He was the embodiment of peacefulness amid feverish activity, the epitome of the karma yogi. Gahananandaji was a marvel of a monk.

58. Gandhi betrayed India by denigrating the armed struggle for independence and Nehru went a step ahead to betray Gandhi.

59. Netaji and the armed revolutionaries sacrificed immensely more to liberate the motherland than armchair barristers bargaining for it.

60. The army man appreciates Netaji and the armed revolutionaries much better than timid intellectuals, cowardly and servile.

61. It is unthinkable that so many have accepted Partition as a settled fact of history. I have not. India will reunite.

62. This persistent refusal to comprehend the manner in which Gandhi and his followers plotted Bose's downfall is ruinous.

63. The treachery at Tripuri has hardly a parallel in the annals of the freedom struggle and paints Gandhi exactly as he was.

64. In the 1940s Netaji and his INA freed India while Gandhi, Nehru, Jinnah and their followers split India. This is the plain truth.

65. Followers of Netaji, be fearless and strong, free from hatred but free of love for the enemy, too. Cling to fact, not to fiction.

66. Hero-worship of the descendants of the leaders of our freedom movement must top if we are to show due respect to our patriots.

67. Gandhi predicted the future of India's independence each time wrongly but Netaji's predictions ever made their mark. Now think.

68. Nehru's crime? Not allowing the absorption of the INA soldiers into the Indian Army and refusing them pension even.

69. A freedom won and a nationalism lost. Ah, the very pain of it to see these deluded youths vouching for Gandhian weakness!

70. 1-1/2 page of INA account in a 600 page book on the Indian Freedom Movement by historian Bipan Chandra. Understood?

71. If Gandhi is great, then Netaji is God.

72. Gandhi's movements were unplanned, impulsive, unscientific and puerile. The effect was the demise of India.

73. The difference between Netaji and us is that he translated his ideas into action and we do not.

74. The Prime Minister should daily listen to the radio broadcasts of Netaji if he wishes to serve the nation well.

75. Is it true that Netaji made three radio broadcasts after 18 Aug, 1945? Please give us the text of the speeches if anyone has them.

76. How can you be happy and be smiling when you still do not know what happened to the one who made you happy? Shed tears instead.

77. Simplicity, service, sacrifice --- let this be the mantra for nation-building.

78. A country immersed in chasing selfish dreams cannot recognise heroism. Hence, the neglect of the revolutionaries in our land.

79. There is so little love and sympathy for each other, so much of jealousy and envy that talent simply takes a beating here.

80. This body at any rate will go. Then let it go for a worthwhile cause. Let the youth awake. May the motherland rise!

81. How exactly did Nehru harm Netaji?

82. How did Netaji escape from his Elgin Road house which was under such tight security surveillance?

83. Has Rash Behari Bose been accorded any recognition by the Govt. of India till date? Does he not deserve at least a Bharat Ratna?

84. National boundaries fail to contain my love as it overflows the confines of territory.

85. One man who has resolved to sacrifice everything to bring freedom to his motherland can in the fullness of time achieve his dream.

86. What did Rash Behari Bose think of non-violent passive resistance of Gandhi?

87. If Vivekananda had lived on, would he have endorsed Gandhi?

88. Freedom received by way of alms can never strengthen a nation. It is freedom wrested by force that purifies, that endures.

89. Death being inevitable, let us die game, let us die so that the motherland may live. Bande Mataram!

90. Japan honoured him but we did not. Is it not time to do so? Join in to campaign for : 'Bharat Ratna for Rash Behari Bose'.

91. Human relations are being increasingly vitiated by compulsions of commerce. Whither humanity? Whither civilisation?

92. The Hardinge Attack failed, the Ghadar Mutiny failed, but the IIL and the INA triumphed eventually even in apparent failure.

93. India has no future so long as individualism dominates democracy. It is mass participation in the Petition that is called for.

94. Netaji was moved by 'Durgamo giri kantaar moru' and hailed it as a song whose like he had not encountered anywhere in India.

95. Should Mahatma Gandhi not be awarded a posthumous Bharat Ratna? Why is the Government of India not considering doing it?

96. The revolutionaries used to give the clarion call for freedom in 'Bande Mataram'. Did Gandhiji ever do so in public?

97. Does America believe in the Law of Karma? If so, how could she drop the atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki? America, respond.

98. Japan fights on despite Hiroshima. This is the Samurai spirit. Then Nagasaki stills it all. Hirohito surrenders. Japan falls.

99. War Crimes Tribunal? You only tried the defeated Axis Powers. What about Allied atrocity, genocide, atomic obliteration?

100. There must be retribution somewhere, there must be forgiveness, too. If history is to avenge it all, oblivion for all will be.

101. America justified atom bombing Japan to end the War. Would they justify it if Japan instead had done the same to them to end it?

102. Is there no end to human folly that nations keep stockpiling nuclear arms? Whither civilisation? En route to annihilation?

103. Japan dies, America celebrates. Is this civilisation?

104. Remember 8:15 a.m., 6 Aug, 1945, Hiroshima, and 11:02 a.m., 9 Aug, 1945, Nagasaki --- moments of eternal silence!

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