Tuesday, 10 April 2018


We have to develop self-respect as Indians. We must maintain gravity in discussion, deliberation and discourse and not all the time give in to levity that mars the meaning of a serious conversation. This loss of seriousness is injurious to our national interests.

Individuals must take responsibility on behalf of the nation and not give in to bogus hopes that God will come and save us as prophesied in the Geeta, for while that they may be true at times of grave cultural crisis, very often our inability to act promptly and with sufficient courage has led in the past to our downfall as a nation. Our thousand year old subservience to the invading Mohammedan rulers and later the Europeans put paid to the smooth run of our spiritual civilisation and brought in the dark age in our country of love and light like never before. Our population was forcibly converted by the Muslim rulers, our culture subverted and finally, the ugly separatist movement on the eve of independence led to the dismemberment of our motherland, a treachery for which the Muslim League led by Jinnah, the British with their future eye on continued distant neocolonialism and the perfidious leadership of the Congress in the form of Nehru, Patel, Prasad, Pant and the like were squarely responsible. Even Gandhi cannot be absolved of the guilt of acceding to Partition for it was brought about eventually not over his dead body as he had threatened earlier but by his unwilling willingness in the end, being frightened by the spectre of the developing and the looming civil war that threatened to tear the country apart. Our inability as a people then to stand up to this perfidy cost our motherland her integrity and the slaughter of millions of her children in frenzied communal violence. And this is the price we paid for being collectively irresponsible as a people.     

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