Tuesday 8 April 2014


If it be that ignorance being material is particulate, then it may further be said that it operates following quantum laws, that is, it exists in discrete particles or quanta which by fast movement creates the delusion that is this universe. Now, these particles are for an individual soul finite in number for that is the nature of particles, they are ever finite in number, however great the number may be. Then, they progressively decrease in number with progressive approximation of the aspirant soul to the ultimate reality of Brahman. Prolonged performance of detached work purifies the mind-stuff till its modifications are so subdued that they almost disappear. But here comes the difficulty. Unless we assume ignorance to be particulate, we cannot explain how the cessation of ignorance is actualized, how the universe vanishes and Brahman is revealed for there always remains the problem of discrimination itself being fine karma which will bind the soul to Maya and prevent its dissolution to reveal the Brahman. Now, it may be posited that Brahman is self-revealing and hence these arguments are unnecessary and therefore invalid, but it cannot be gainsaid that Maya will suddenly disappear without the operation of the aforesaid quantum principle for even the sudden disappearance of Maya upon the advent of the fullness of time ( kaalena atmani vindati ) is a quantum effect. Maya will not disappear through causality as the very nature of causality is what sustains Maya, cause modifying into effect and effect modifying into the future cause, thus keeping the causal cycle up. But a quantum leap into Brahman, so to say, is a better explanatory model for indefinable Maya ( Anirvachaniya Maya ) as it allows for its abrupt disappearance from its own outermost fringes. The last bit of Maya that has to be dissolved is also the least bit and it may be assumed for the reasons stated above to be particulate and therefore dissoluble in a single act of self-destruction, a ' harakiri ' that settles the issue and the ever-existent Brahman, which incidentally is nameless, is self-revealed proving the lie to all of Maya and all the aforesaid theories of the hypothetical destruction of its hypothetical existence ! OM TAT SAT !

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