Sunday 6 April 2014


Inexorable is the working of karma. This is the law of life that each action must and will produce its exact effect however one may wish away the consequences or try to avoid them by pious supplications. Therefore, think before you act, and act wisely, keeping your own welfare and the general welfare of the world in mind. Action once performed cannot be revoked for there is no rehearsal in Nature, it is improvisation all the way. And, sure enough, the reaction will come, good or bad, in exact reciprocity, that you will have to bear. Some of our karma has been expended already, some of it is being expended now and some of it is in the womb of the future waiting to surface. Again, as we experience the fruits of our karma, we create fresh karma in the very act of the experience by our reactions to such experience. This, in turn, keeps the karmic wheel rolling and it seems there is no escape from this apparently unending cycle. But there is a way out and that is learning the secret of work, doing it in the right manner such that past karma keeps getting exhausted and fresh karma is not created. This is the science of Karma Yoga.

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