Tuesday 8 April 2014


The concept of the Avatar or divine incarnation is very complex. While to the devout it may be very natural to subscribe to it, it may as well be that much more difficult for the rationally inclined to entertain any such ideas about the localisation of God within a specific human frame. The idea of the Avatar may seem to the scientific-minded to be far-fetched, nay, absolutely preposterous, perhaps the product of the uneducated human mind that knows not the extent of dimensions or the magnitude and scale of universal reality. There are arguments on both sides but perhaps no meeting ground save that in inner realisation.

Philosophies abound in this world and theories are churned out to fit all sorts of assertions, with or without credible evidence. It is for the individual to be discerning in his acceptance or rejection of any of these theories. Along with the sublimest philosophical speculations of the Upanishads may be found arrant nonsensical stuff of mythology and the reader has to sift the grain from the chaff. This writer is merely presenting the two sides of the picture and not passing his individual judgement on the validity or otherwise of the theory of the Avatar.

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