Wednesday 23 December 2020



West Bengal may legitimately feel that she has a special claim on Netaji but, carried to regional hyper-possessiveness about him, that will actually be demeaning Netaji and reduce him to being a mere provincial leader when in truth he is the Netaji, the preeminent leader of undivided India, 'Asia ki aftaab', the liberating sun of colonised Asia, and the hope of oppressed humanity the world over. Therefore, attempted politics over the celebration of his 125th birthday on 23 January, 2021 is the worst insult that can be heaped on him, a heinous act which is disgracing these perpetrators and exposing their invidious intent about India and her liberator. Hands off, I say, from the grappling mode and hands joined from now on in worshipful adoration so that the hour be not spent in mudslinging but in meditation on the great leader and his luminous life.

Written by Sugata Bose

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