Tuesday 29 December 2020



Hindu nationalism will be difficult to contain unless politicians opposing the idea have character enough to do so. Mere appeasement of the Muslim minority for votes will do a greater disservice for their electoral cause as it will help the ruling dispensation to further their cause of securing Hindu solidarity for the same purpose. Only a political party truly secular, modern in approach and peopled by enlightened citizens with deep commitment to the national good, coupled with exemplary character attributes, vision and a robust inclusive ideology can secure the sympathy of the bulk of the electorate and successfully stall the rise of this right-wing Hindutva political party.
So, what is your take on this? I have raised the issue. Now you debate. Myself, as earlier stated by me, am strictly apolitical and my job as a social commentator and a keeper of social conscience is to keep clarifying public perception of contentious issues that affect their present and will affect their foreseeable future as well.

Written by Sugata Bose

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