Saturday, 19 December 2020



1. You are caught in the maze of your own mind. Untangle yourself and be free. No prophet or God can save you. You alone can save yourself.

2. The principle is always greater than the personality. Where the personality approximates the principle, the former is venerated as a sage, a saint, or a divine incarnation when identity with the principle has been attained.

3. Here in every state the personality cult rules politics even though in a democracy such a feudal mind-set is reprehensible. No wonder politics is so unprincipled here. The personality has eclipsed principles.

4. Sycophancy is sufficient for leading a public life. Working for the common weal may remain limited to bombastic talk alone.

5. Do not fear. Shed superstition. Stand in the clear sunshine of reason. But do not stop. Onward we must progress till the Truth that transcends reason is realised.

6. Depth-diffusion of culture is necessary, not mere mass education, material and superficial. Sanskrit must, therefore, be popularised to serve as the linguistic vehicle for this change, for our culture and heritage are largely held in this language of the gods where man at his highest has been conceived of and venerated as such.

7. The plight of the Bengali youth is pitiable when someone asks me to reflect if I am man or animal, simply on the basis of a post of mine, the comment coming within a minute of the post which the offender chose not to read even. God bless you, my child ! He has now edited his comment and called patrons of Modi and the BJP animals in a clever twist of tongue.

8. I am a proud Hindu but strictly apolitical and unaffiliated to any political party either officially or in terms of sympathetic bond. However, I am an assertive Hindu where I see my dharma tradition being violated by proselytising faiths and I rise to its intellectual and spiritual defence but always maintaining the utmost civility to apparent adversaries.

9. It is curious that every two out of three Bengalis are Muslims. Speaks something about the strength of the race !

10. This body is a cover for the Self just as a speck of cloud covers the sun, so to say, and hides it from vision.

11. Children must not be pampered so much that they turn into weaklings who are unable to handle the pressures of life. Let them grow strong and tough. Do not induce overmuch of sentimentality in their lives so that they emerge valorous beings with strength enough to shake the world.

12. Sri Aurobindo's spiritual work was not only for the evolution of consciousness of the world but also for the preservation of the Sanatan Dharma.

13. If you wish to make India strong, study Swami Vivekananda.

14. There I'm being called again
So loudly over the speaker to pray.
Oh, what a distraction in work so often,
Dusk and dawn, night and day !

15. Those who are attacking the Hindutvavaad and those who are defending it, both need to be more educated in the literature of both Hinduism and Hindutvavaad, and a little rational, sensitive and enlightened, too.

16. Ramakrishna devotees must come out in open defence of the dharma instead of being mere passive spectators to its impending demise, on the pretext of staying apolitical. You can remain apolitical, like I do, and yet defend the dharma in a virile way. After all, Vivekananda did not wish for millions of cowards to be his devotees.

17. "I hate cowardice." This was the constant refrain of Swamiji. And, must you, O devotees, in all your proffered service to him, fail him in this regard? Must you merely be passive pretenders to piety while the dharma goes to ruins? Whither courage of conviction to rise up in defence of the dharma?

18. The more truthful you are, the less popular will you be. But that should deter you. Hold on to your high ideals of truth, undiluted and uncompromising with the falsities of the world. What matters who follows you or not ? Thou follow thyself, O uncorrupted one.

19. There goes the loudspeaker call for me to go to prayer again.

20. Some of the greatest Hindustani classical vocalists were terribly short on tunefulness. And, yet, they have been hailed as great for other musical attributes.

21. Indecisiveness is a weak trait. The faculties must be so trained that commonplace decision-making takes but an instant. Serious decision-making alone ought to consume time and must be taken after due consideration of options and consequence. But decisiveness born out of abundant self-confidence must nonetheless be the prime attribute.

22. Attachment is the seed of misery and, yet, premature attempts at detachment create vacuous space in the loving heart which makes the soul seem forlorn and lost.

23. Politicians play football with the public today. But the day is not far when the game will be played with roles reversed.

24. An illumined hesitancy is better than an ignorant forthrightness, for the former is rooted in wisdom while the latter floats in foolishness compounded worse with egotism extreme.

25. The gigantic movers of men in the spiritual realm have been absolutely chaste, and those that have not been so but have yet moved masses of men, have done so with brute force and artful deceit. Spirituality is impossible without chastity.

26. Vajpayee was a visionary, a politician of exemplary character and, ah, what an orator in the House ! Sheer poetry in politics !

27. The Congress and the Communists have lost their ground because of overbearing attitude and arrogance. Now wherever this arrogance will rise, downfall will come in its wake.

28. Our representatives must behave better in the House. It is a shame to see them indulging in raucous behaviour which defiles the sanctity of Parliament. How can these be our lawmakers when they themselves do not maintain the least bit of order expected of affiliates to such an august body?

29. Parliament ought to represent the best representative culture of a country. Here decorum is of utmost importance. This must be borne in mind by the entire polity, not just the concerned legislators, for it is the electorate's responsibility to vote for the right candidates.

30. When the whole world watches the proceedings of Parliament, is it not incumbent culturally on the legislators to maintain the honour of the country by not resorting to untoward behaviour that stalls proceedings?

31. The integration of Kashmir irrevocably is one of the greatest achievements in independent India. India stands secure now from secessionist forces threatening to break her there. Another Partition shall never be, shall never be, shall never be !

32. Vajpayee - introspective, incisive, inspirational, illuminating, simply brilliant !


May the cool waters of Ramakrishna freshen the spirits of all ! May antagonists in ideology seek solace in the harmony that the sage of Dakshineshwar is ! May peace reign in the hearts of all ! Om ! Shanti ! Shanti ! Shanti !

34. The Hindu will show the way to peace and harmony in the world for such is his destiny in the civilisation of man.

35. Religion is not intrinsic to man. It is his organic capacity to realise who he essentially is that is fundamental to him. And this is the domain of spirituality, mysticism and science. Religions are cultural superimpositions to the same intended end.

36. Today, the day is shortest, night longest. But may our country's day be longest and night shortest !

37. The Vedanta in all its comprehensiveness is the spiritual foundation of India. Can anybody but a materialist or a sectarian bigot contradict this assertion?

38. Appeasement is always soaked in a corrupt compromise with untruth and fails to inspire those who are only inspired by undaunted, fiery truth. Light up the facts. Stop concealing them to please communities. Let truth, free and fair, see the sunshine of life. Else, life ceases to be in the festering contamination of foul falsity.

39. I ask my countrymen to learn to respect the Prime Minister of India, who is the highest directly elected representative of the people of India, and not to indulge in vile invective against him. That does not befit the culture of our great motherland, neither is it civilised in any sense.

40. Do not flatter the Prime Minister or the Chief Minister to secure political positions. It does not befit politicians functioning in a democracy to do so. Do not help build the personality cult around them which is so very opposed to the very spirit of 'We, the people of India, declare ourselves to be a ...'

41. If you have to fear God, then He is not a merciful father but a terrible tyrant who takes a diabolical delight in dispensing damnation for the least indiscretion committed. Such a God is better dispensed with and the true Self (Atman) within be sought refuge in.

42. Learn to love Bharatvarsha and her Sanatan Dharma. Stop this atheistic prattle of yesterday. It will never gain ground in this holy land, Punyabhumi Bharatvarsha. Materialist, yours is an impossible hope ! Go back to Vivekananda and take your lessons.

43. The word ought to be 'Hindusthaan', land of the Hindus, and not 'Hindustan' as Pakistan is spelled and meant to be.

44. Mother India throws up valorous sons for her defence from time to time. Do not worry they are there as yet who shall save her civilisation from destruction at the hands of alien aggressors and their indigenous accomplices.

45. Hindus have borne for 1300 years terrible persecution at the hands of Islamic invaders and European Christian colonisers. Mass conversion, mass destruction of temples, desecration of culture, looting of wealth and the honour of women, and eventually Partition. Oh ! What a suffering ! What a suffering ! What a suffering !

46. The Government of India must take urgent steps to declassify the files related to the mysterious death of Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, and identify the culprits. It will spell the doom of certain political parties and personalities.


What a valorous soul, Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee, and what a sacrifice of a life for the future security of the motherland, a martyrdom of incalculable value ! What a patriot and what a loss for the country !


This dawn I bow down to the memory of Dr. Syama Prasad Mookerjee whose valorous idealism and self-sacrifice yet quicken in me in the twilight of life a fresh fire of inspiration for putting Swamiji's message into life and action.

49. Of what avail is devotion to Rama and Krishna if it does not translate into powerful patriotism and sublime service to the motherland?

50. Rama, the national ideal, Krishna, the God of India, Ramakrishna, the synthesis, and Vivekananda, the way.

51. The more the opposition to rising Hinduism, the faster will it gain ground. Swamiji will be literally adored by the whole country very soon.

52. Has the average West Bengali youth turned atheist, materialist, communist, Hindu hater and generally irreverent, that is, lacking in what Swamiji called 'shraddha' and said that it was even then very much lacking in Bengal? Then bad days are ahead of Bengal. Beware Bengal !

53. Hinduphobia in Hindusthaan is despicable. It shows the degenerate character of those who indulge in it.

54. The more you hate Hindus, the more will Hindu solidarity be effected. So, keep hating Hindus and helping them thus. Your hatred is indirectly your greatest patriotic act for it is helping the vast mass of Hindus by way of reaction to awake to their sense of civilisation.

55. Why are our Parliamentarians so undisciplined in a House in session, either stalling proceedings or all talking together or creating a ruckus? How can they be legitimate legislators when they lack basic discipline? How can we depend on their legislative actions which determine the fate of our nation?

56. Every ounce of your energy must be spent for the regeneration of the motherland, and for this to happen, you must devote yourself heart and soul to developing yourself.

57. What an orator, Sushma Swaraj ! A veritable goddess with Saraswati on her tongue ! So long as Mother India can give birth to such valorous daughters, the fight for renascent India will be on.

58. Jai Swamiji ! Jai Bharatmata ! Vande Mataram !

59. What a brilliant speech ! Humorous, deep, prophetic ! A goddess (Sushma Swaraj) in full flow !

60. The old guard of the BJP which was sidelined by the present dispensation of the party were brilliant Parliamentarians, intellectuals in their own right. Thus has begun the degeneration in the Indian political play where a crude efficiency replaces refined democratic discourse.

61. As I state the truth in unequivocal terms, sparing none, which is the job of the honest social commentator, my following on the twitter goes down. Grand exhibition of devotion to truth of the general public who grace the twitter !

62. Create controversy, remain popular. This is the mantra of the age, one which leads not to salvation, though, but is geared to fool the gullible people. And the people love this excitement, too.

63. Character and conviction are necessary in a leader besides charisma. Mere rhetoric is not enough. 'The proof of the pudding is in the eating thereof.'

64. Muslims must give primacy to their children's education ahead of their fervently practising religion. That alone can raise their socioeconomic status. Crying hoarse about governmental neglect will hardly help, for their own negligence is largely to blame for their present status. This is the Law of Karma.

65. Do not idolise rogue political leaders of the day. We have leaders enough in our modern history to give us better guidance and light than these selfish destroyers of the nation and its heritage.

66. They play football with your hopes and aspirations. Don't you realise? Then why don't you wake up? Come up and be men, self-reliant and selfless.

67. There the loudspeaker goes blaring again, calling us to prayer and breaking the afternoon nap of elderly people and housewives. Elderly people do not matter for the Government of West Bengal, it seems.

68. A cold rationality alone does not make a man. He needs warm emotions, too, and a deep spiritual sense of being and belonging.

69. The life of a nation is in its people and the life of its people is in the philosophy they choose to follow or are thrust upon by authority divine and human.

70. Let the dynasty in the Congress continue to its obvious obliteration. Why stop it ? [Purple here signifies the royal purple robe.]

71. The loudspeaker loudly calls again for prayer. I come, my Lord, I come to pray !

72. When I am dead and gone, I shall not have to hear criticism anymore even if it continues to blare on for sometime more. The ashes will fly as memory fades of this earth in an entry into ethereal realms.

73. In his 1987 Independence Day essay in the 'Statesman' the CPI leader, Hiren Mukerjee, had predicted the impending demise of the Congress. Are his words about to be finally fulfilled amidst the continuing dynastic desecration of democratic principles within the party in inertial continuance of its selfsame legacy?

74. It's a republican circus every night. The difference is that in a circus there is absolute order and precision of movement, even in that of the clown, but here there is absolute chaos. Goswami is more a profit-seeker from pandemonium on television than a well-meaning, civilised journalist by remotest relation. He has reduced television journalism to dust, for other channels have out of economic compulsions now taken to a like reporting which has made the popular channels of our republic appear more like platforms for moronic entertainment than for mature deliberation. Goswami's pioneering effort in this direction has made the fourth pillar of democracy an institution in farcical flow towards a commercial end. The intellectual culture in journalism has been desecrated and despoiled thus by a person of mere monetary motivations, masquerading, though, as massive nationalism. The rubble that remains provides now the building blocks for a like roguery across the journalistic spectrum as new entrants to this erstwhile republican monopolised market force free play of the people's purchasing power to provide petty and puerile entertainment. The sea ('Arnab' means the sea) has indeed raised waste waves to lead his herd astray. ('Goswami' means Lord of the cows.)

75. The biggest failure of the Congress was that it could not prevent the Partition of the motherland. Pakistan will have to pay for it.

76. Why hate Modi and Mamata only? Do something good for the country.

77. The best way for the Union Govt. and the State Govt. to celebrate Netaji's 125th birthday on 23 Jan, 2021 is surely to follow his ideals and implement them in active political life as he did, along with the celebrations, of course. Is anybody listening?

78. We have to continuously work for the improvement of quality in our people so that the country Is strengthened to that tune. Our individual work, little and insignificant, when compounded in its collective mass, becomes an invincible force for the emerging nation. So, each one of you contribute to making the country great instead of indulging in vile invective against the Government and its executives which can only through your dereliction of duty weaken the nation to that effect.

79. The intellectual level in our country en masse is rather poor. We need to raise it through individual effort at self-education. This is a great way to serve the nation by simply being more committed to knowledge. The nation automatically benefits from an educated and, in places, an enlightened citizenry.

80. China is the resistance to Euro-American domination of the world. The day India becomes as strong as China, she will get her equal respect and then will begin the rightful resurrection of crucified Asia. Merry Christmas !

81. Russia is more Asiatic than European. The Orient runs delightfully in her blood. The morality of the average Russian is, thus, that much more than her/his European compatriot.

82. The Prime Minister speaks well, the ..... Minister speaks foul, and the public watch both. History will judge each according to merit and contributions made. The Lord witnesses them all in mute wonder !

83. The Rishis have laid a spiritual foundation for India that has lasted millenia and is holding the country still. O materialist, think thou that India shall ever in truth adopt secularism that is fundamentally divorced from spiritualism? Yours is a vain hope. India shall flourish only along her age-old spiritual way.

84. The country is going through a great churn and in this process the ambrosia that shall be extracted shall nourish the 1.38 billion gods who belong to this motherland of ours.

85. Netaji was an open Indian, a private Hindu and a spiritual nationalist with leftist leanings. He was strictly secular in matters of public life and governance. His was, indeed, a complex harmony marvellously blended in a personality of impeccable character attributes.

86. How gullible the people still are ! From Mark Antony's time to the present days political leaders are fooling them with delightful rhetoric. Indeed, the masses never learn.

87. How blissfully the politicians of pre-eminence tell lies straight in the face of the people without compunctions of conscience whatsoever ! Are they deluded or are they plain deliberate? Are they megalomaniacs with a rotten sense of history bygone and in the making? Who knows? But divinity, for sure, has taken a beating in them !

88. Population in India is growing at an alarming rate and no government will be able to provide employment or economic security to this burgeoning mass of people.

89. We need charismatic spiritual leaders, men of character and purity who can speak with power and thrust that can inspire the youth, and not the current crop of miserably meek speakers who hardly can make any impression on the youthful mind. Has Swamiji been lost on these spiritual men who are in the limelight?

90. Learn to separate the principle from the personality in conducting your public life. In a democracy so much emphasis on the personality is opposed to essential principles.

91. Cherry is today the favourite fruit of both politicians and journalists as they keep on picking it from everywhere to hurl at real and perceived enemies. It's now cherries all the way ! So, has its blackened version blossomed after all ? I mean CHERRY BLOSSOM, you see ! The shoes on all shine so well but the masters are growing too big to wear them. BLACK ? Oh, does it remind you of something ?

92. Does the farmer need the industrialist to feed him or does the industrialist need the farmer to feed him? Capitalist, hands off ! Politicians, beware ! If the farmer drops work, you will starve to death.

93. Modi, Modi, Modi ! Mamata, Mamata, Mamata ! When will this feudal practice, this building up of the personality cult, so very antithetical to democratic principles, stop? Politicians who indulge in such sycophancy or blissfully receive it must feel ashamed of their education or the lack of it.

94. What megalomania exhibited in repetition of one's own name while all the while putting up a pretentious humility ! What quotation of Tagore to bolster a breaking citadel while flouting everything that the poet stood for !

95. Despite all of Nehru's monumental mistakes or Himalayan blunders, if you wish to call them so, does he still not emerge as the greatest Prime Minister we have had? Or, has Narendra Modi eclipsed him to occupy that prime position? Or, Vajpayee, Indira Gandhi, Lal Bahadur Shastri? What is your choice?

96. Vajpayee or Modi ?

97. The problem in today's politics is that even achievements of the Government that secure the integration of the nation are criticised as being inhuman. And there are millions who support such disintegrating moves of the Opposition.

98. Compare just the civility of Atal Bihari Vajpayee in his Parliamentary address and the roughness of Somnath Chatterjee in intervention of his speech. Speaks volumes for the contrasting style of political operation even in discourse of the nationalist BJP and the 'internationalist' CPI(M).

99. The calmer the leader, the better he is, for his tranquil mind is the distillery of wisdom which is the substance of statesmanship.

100. Journalists, keep questioning the Government on its every move. But be founded on fact and unbiased in action. Let the Govt. rally with you, and where it does not, expose it. But do not label unsavoury epithets on it that reduces your credibility as impartial observers and alienates you from the people at large who are your target audience.

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